Corticospinal (anterior)
Ipsilateral, voluntary, discrete, skilled motion
Corticospinal (lateral)
Contralateral, voluntary, fine motor
Damage to corticospinal (pyramidal tracts)
- + babinski
- decreased abdominal reflex
- decreased fine and skilled motor
- Facilitate/inhibit, voluntary and reflexic activity through alpha and gamma motor neurons
- I
- 1. Contra, gross postural tone
- 2. Facilitate flexors
- 3. Inhibit extensors
- Opp of vestibulospinal
- Contra, postural and muscle tone associated with auditory/ visual stimuli
- C
- 1. Ipsi, gross postural adjustment due to head movement
- 2. Facilitate extensors
- 3. Inhibit flexors
- Opp of rubrospinal
Damage of extrapyramidal tracts
- 1. Paralysis
- 2. Increased deep reflexes
- 3. Clasp knife reaction (rigidity of extensors)