Science Test 1

  1. What does STS stand for? Why remember it?
    science, tecnology, and society, it is a ctachphrase to represent the 2 things that affect society: science and technology.
  2. NSES?
    National Science Education Standards
  3. What are the different types of modeling?
    • 1. Descriptive
    • 2. Explanitory
    • 3. Experimental
  4. What are the 2 components of science?
    • 1. Systematic quest of explanations
    • 2. Dynamic body of knowledge generated through explanation quest
  5. What does descriptive modeling include?
    • questioning
    • observing
    • enumerating
    • classifying
    • measuring
    • comparing
    • communicating
  6. what does explanatory modeling include?
    • questioning
    • hypothesizing
    • inferring
    • interpreting data
    • communicating
  7. what does experimental modeling include?
    • questioning
    • predicting
    • identifying variables
    • controlling variables
    • controlling experiments
    • communicating
  8. What does AAAS stand for?
    American Association for the Advancement of Science
  9. List the values of science
    • truth
    • freedom
    • skepticism
    • order
    • originality
    • communication
  10. Behavioral theory
    what a child does and learns depends on what happens as a result of the child's behavior
  11. cognitive theory
    what childre learn depends on their mental processes and what they perceive about the world around them
  12. Piaget's theory (list the stage's of cognitive development)
    • 1. Sensorimotor knowledge
    • 2. Preoperational (representational) knowledge
    • 3. Concrete operations
    • 4. Formal operations
  13. Bruner's theories
    teacher's need to provide children with experiences to help them discover underlying ideas, concepts, and patterns
  14. What is constructivism?
    theory of human learning that is rooted in cognitive psychology and to a lesser extent, behavioral psychology
  15. 3 Constructive Principles
    • 1. naive conceptions
    • 2. assimilation
    • 3. accommodation
  16. Gardner's multiple intelligences
    • logical-mathematical
    • linguistic
    • musical
    • spatial
    • bodily-kinesthetic
    • interpersonal
    • intrapersonal
    • naturalist
  17. What is UDL and what are the 3 general strategies for it?
    • Universal Design for Learning
    • 1. Multiple means of representation
    • 2. Multiple means of expression
    • 3. Multiple means of engagement
  18. What are some Inquiry Methods?
    • 1. Making observations
    • 2. Posing questions
    • 3. Examining books and other sources of information to see what is already known
    • 4. Planning investigations
    • 5. Reviewing what is already known based on experimental evidence
    • 6. Using tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data
    • 7. Proposing answers,explanations, and predictions and communicating the results
    • 8. Identifying assumptions using critical and logical thinking and considering alternative explanations
  19. 5 Es of Instructional strategy
    • Engagement- pique children's interests, solicit prior knowledge usually in the form of an essential question.
    • Exploration- provide opportunities for children to encounter new information necessary to answer the essential question.
    • Explanation- children express what they have discovered during exploration
    • Elaboration- time for children to apply, exercise and transfer newly acquired knowledge
    • Evaluation- both formative and summative
  20. Observing
    obtain info or data about objects and events
  21. Using Space/Time Relationships
    ability to discern and describe directions, spatial arrangements, motion and speed, symmetry, and range of change
  22. classifying
    process scientists use to impose order on collections of objects or events
  23. Inferring
    Using logic to make assumptions from what we observe and question.
  24. Hypotheses
    begins with an explanatory model, it's a proposed relationship put forth to explain a phenomenon
  25. Prediction
    a specific forecast of future observation or event
  26. Independent variable
    variable being tested
  27. Dependent variable
    the change that is measured
  28. Controlled variable
    all factors that could be change are kept the same.
  29. Defining operationally
    students define terms in context of their own experiences.
Card Set
Science Test 1
science test 1 covering ch. 1-3