Flash Cards Chapter 3

  1. abdominocentesis
    Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen.
  2. achondroplasia
    Development without cartilage.
  3. acromegaly
    Enlargement of the extremities.
  4. acrophobia
    Fear of heights. Fear of top, extreme point.
  5. adenoids
    Resembling glands. Small masses of lymphatic tissue of the pharynx (throat) near the nose and nasal passage.
  6. adipose
    Pertaining to fat.
  7. agroraphobia
    Fear of marketplace.
  8. amniocentesis
    Surgical puncture to remove fluid from amnion sac surrounding the embryo in the uterus.
  9. anemia
    Condition of reduction in the number of erythrocytes or in the amount of hemoglobin in the circulating blood.
  10. angiogenesis
    Formation of blood vessels.
  11. angiography
    Process of recording the blood vessels.
  12. angioplasty
    Surgical repair of a vessel.
  13. arteriole
    Small artery.
  14. arteriosclerosis
    Hardening of the arteries.
  15. arthralgia
    Pain in joint.
  16. atrophy
    Development without.
  17. axillary
    Pertaining to the armpit.
  18. biopsy
    To view life.
  19. blepharoptosis
    Drooping eyelids.
  20. bronchitis
    Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
  21. carcinogenesis
    Condition of producing, forming cancer.
  22. carcinogenic
    Pertaining to producing cancer.
  23. cardiac
    Pertaining to the heart.
  24. cardiomyopathy
    Disease condition of the heart muscle.
  25. chemotheraphy
    Treatment using drugs or chemicals.
  26. chondromalacia
    Softening of the cartilage.
  27. chronic
    Pertaining to occurring over a long period of time.
  28. colostomy
    Opening to form a mouth at the colon.
  29. cystocele
    Hernia in the urinary bladder.
  30. electroencephalogram
    Record of electricity in the brain.
  31. electroencephalograph
    Instrument for recording the electricity in the brain.
  32. electroencephalography
    Process of recording the electricity in the brain.
  33. erythrocyte
    Red blood cells.
  34. erythropenia
    Deficiency of red blood cells.
  35. esophagus
    Structure within esophagus or structure eat or swallow.
  36. hematoma
    Mass or collection of blood.
  37. hemolysis
    Destruction of blood (breakdown of red blood cells with release of hemoglobin).
  38. hemostasis
    Stopping blood.
  39. hydronephrosis
    Abnormal condition of fluid build up in the kidney.
  40. hydrotheraphy
    Treatment using water.
  41. hypertrophy
    Development of increase.
  42. inguinal
    Pertaining to the groin.
  43. ischemia
    Hold back blood from part of the body.
  44. laparoscope
    Instrument for visual examination abdomen.
  45. laparoscopy
    Process of visual examination the abdomen.
  46. laparotomy
    Incision through the abdominal wall.
  47. laryngeal
    Pertaining to larynx or voice box.
  48. laryngectomy
    Removal of the larynx or the voice box.
  49. leukemia
    Blood condition of white.
  50. leukocyte
    Cell white.
  51. leukocytosis
    Condition of slight increase in normal white blood cells.
  52. mammogram
    X-ray record of the breast.
  53. mastectomy
    Removal of breast.
  54. metastasis
    Controlling beyond.
  55. morphology
    Study of shape or form.
  56. mucoid
    Resembling mucus.
  57. mucous membrane
    Membrane pertaining to mucus.
  58. mucus
    Substance of mucus.
  59. multiple myeloma
    Multiple tumors of the bone marrow.
  60. myalagia
    Pain in muscle.
  61. myelogram
    X-ray record of the spinal cord.
  62. myoma
    Tumor of muscle.
  63. myosarcoma
    Tumor of muscle and flesh.
  64. necropsy
    To view death.
  65. necrosis
    Condition of death cells.
  66. necrotic
    Pertaining to death of cells.
  67. nephrologist
    Specialist in kidney study.
  68. nephropathy
    Condition of kidney disease.
  69. neuralgia
    Pain in nerve.
  70. neurtropenia
    Deficiency of neutrophil, while blood cells.
  71. ophthalmology
    Study of the eyes.
  72. osteogenic
    Pertaining to or produced by bone.
  73. osteomalacia
    Softening of the bone.
  74. otalgia
    Pain in ear.
  75. pathogenesis
    Condition of producing, forming disease.
  76. pathologic
    Pertaining to disease study.
  77. pericadium
    Structure surrounding the heart or membrane surrounding the heart.
  78. peritoneal
    Pertaining to the peritoneum.
  79. phelbotomy
    Incision of a vein, for the removal of blood.
  80. pleural
    Pertaining to the pleura (membrane surrounding lungs and adjacent to chest wall).
  81. pleurodynia
    Pain in the pleura, (membrane surrounding lungs and adjacent o the chest wall).
  82. pneumonia
    Condition of the lungs.
  83. pulmonary
    Pertaining to the lungs.
  84. radiographer
    One who x-rays. A technologist who assist in the making of diagnostic x-ray pictures.
  85. radiotherapy
    Treatment using radiation.
  86. rectocele
    Herenia in the rectum.
  87. splenomegaly
    Enlargement of the spleen.
  88. staphylococci
    Berry-shaped bacteria in clusters.
  89. streptococcus
    Berry-shaped bacterium in twisted chains.
  90. thoracentesis
    Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest.
  91. thrombocyte
    Cell clot.
  92. thrombocytopenia
    Deficiency to clotting cells.
  93. thrombophlebitis
    Inflammation of clot in vein.
  94. tonsillar
    Pertaining to the tonsils.
  95. tonsillitis
    Inflammation of the tonsils.
  96. tracheostomy
    Opening to form a mouth at the trachea or windpipe.
  97. tracheotomy
    Incision of trachea or windpipe.
  98. venule
    A small vein.
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Flash Cards Chapter 3
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