Hist. 1

  1. who sailed around Africa
    Vasco de Gama
  2. who financed Columbus's expedition
    King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
  3. first to realize that Columbus had discovered a new continent
    Amerigo Vespucci
  4. who drew the Line of Demarcation
    Pope Alexander VI
  5. what imaginary line divided the newly discovered lands between Spain and Portugal
    Line of Demarcation
  6. Who made first Spanish landing on the mainland of North America
    Ponce de Leon
  7. discovered the Pacific Ocean
    Vasco de Balboa
  8. who sailed around the world
    Ferdinand Magellan
  9. who conquered the Aztecs of Mexico
    Hernando Cortes
  10. who conquered the Incas of Peru
    Francisco Pizarro
  11. who discovered the Mississippi River
    Hernando de Soto
  12. explored the cost of California for Spain
    Juan Cabrillo
  13. who probably controlled more or the earth's surface than any other man in history
    Phillip II
  14. what did the Catholics use in the attempted to crush Protestantism
  15. who explored the eastern coast of North America for France
    Giovanni da Verrazano
  16. who discovered the St. Lawrence River
    Jacques Cartier
  17. who founded the first French settlement in the New World
    Samuel de Champlain
  18. what was the first permanent French Settlement in the New World
  19. which two men led an expedition that explored the Mississippi River
    • Jacques Marquette
    • Louis Joliet
  20. who claimed the entire Mississippi Valley for France
    Robert Cavelier de la Salle
  21. who discovered the Grand Canyon
    Francisco Coronado
  22. the first European settlement in California
    San Diego
  23. the "Morning Star of the Reformation"
    John Wycliffe
  24. gave England its first printed English Bible
    William Tyndale
  25. who broke England's ties with the Roman church
    Henry VIII
  26. first Modern Age explorer to reach the mainland of North America
    John Cabot
  27. who was the first Englishman to sail around the world
    Sir Francis Drake
  28. what were the two companies that received a charter to colonize Virginia
    • London Company
    • Plymouth Company
  29. first permanent English settlement in the New World
  30. who took charge of the Jamestown colony and saved it from destruction
    Captain John Smith
  31. what was the representative body in Virginia that acted as an advisory body of the governor
    House of Burgesses
  32. what body met periodically to pass laws, carry out provisions of the law, and judge cases and controversies arising under the law
    General Court
  33. the theory of church governmet which says that every body of believers should be independent and self-governing
  34. what was the first ship that the Pilgrims attempted to sail across the Atlantic on
  35. What was the group of people aboard the ship that were not separatists
  36. when did the Pilgrims land in New Plymouth
  37. who was the Pilgrims elderly Priest
    William Brewster
  38. Morning Star of the Reformation
    John Wycliffe
  39. printed first English Bible
    William Tyndale
  40. First permanent English settlement in the new world
  41. what English king vowed to rule without Parliament
    Charles I
  42. company allowing the Puritans with an opportunity  to find religious freedom in America
    Massachusetts Bay Company
  43. who was the governor of the Puritan colony
    John Winthrop
  44. The first written constitution in America
    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
  45. Who founded Rhode Island
    Roger Williams
  46. Who founded Connecticut
    Thomas Hooker
  47. what book did Roger Williams publish about the Indian language
    Key into the Language of America
  48. the Organization under which the new England colonies, New York and New Jersey were united in the 1680's
    the Dominion of New England
  49. who was the Royal Governor of the Dominion of New England
    Sir Edmund Andros
  50. who founded Maryland
    Lord Baltimore
  51. Act in Maryland that granted freedom of worship to anyone "professing to believe in Jesus Christ"
    Toleration Act in 1649
  52. Massachusetts Bay founded
  53. Philadelphia
    city of brotherly love 
  54. who founded Georgia 

    • James Oglethorpe 
    • 1733
  55. who founded New Jersey
    • Sir George Carteret 
    • Lord Joh Berkeley
  56. what was the official church of the Southern colonies
    Anglican church
  57. 1607
  58. 1619
    House of Burgesses
  59. 1588
    Invincible Armada
  60. first institution of higher learning in British North America
    Harvard College (1636)
  61. law that provided for the establishment of the first public education system in America
    Ole' Deluder Satan Act (1647)
  62. kind of schools that were fist established in the middle colonies
    Latin grammar schools
  63. what academy did Benjamin Franklin establish
    Philadelphia Academy
  64. what (1) precedence was set by the (2) trial of _____
    (1) freedom of the press

    (2) John Peter Zenger
  65. by 1760 what was Americas largest city
  66. "Apostle to the Indians"
    John Eliot
  67. who was the chief executive officer of the colony
    the governor
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Hist. 1
A Beka 11ht grade history