1. Controllable Forces
    • Props
    • Rudders
    • Thrusters
    • Anchors
    • Tugs
    • Lines
  2. Semi-Controllable Forces
    • Bank Cushion Effect
    • Shallow Water Effect
    • Passing Ship Effect
  3. Uncontrollable Forces
    • Wind
    • Current
  4. Line numbering Acronym
    • B.A.F.A.F.S
    • Bow, After/Fwd, After/Fwd, Stern
    • Tug with omni-directional propulsion units mounted under the forward part of the hull.
    • Most have a skeg under their sterns.
  6. "Reverse" Tractor
    Tug with omni-directional propulsion units mounted aft.
  7. "Working End"
    the end of the boat that is tethered to the ship will be termed the working end.
  8. Bollard Pull
    The amount of line force that can be applied to the tug’s working line at zero speed.
  9. Line Pull
    The amount of force applied to the tug’s working line at various speeds.
  10. Bank Cushion
    wedge of water between ship and bank builds up forcing bow out sharply
  11. Bank Suction
    decrease of water level near quarter due to suction of screw to bank => draws stern closer.
  12. Rotary Current
    where the direction of flow is not restricted by any barriers, the tidal current is rotary; that is, it flows continuously, with the direction changing through all points
  13. Reversing Tidal Current
    in rivers or straits, or where the direction of flow is more or less restricted to certain channels […] that is, it flows alternately in approximately opposite directions with an instant or short period of little or no current, called slack water, at each reversal of the current.
  14. Hydraulic Current
    when the tides at the two ends of a strait, such as the East River, New York, are seldom in phase or equal in range, and the current is generated largely by the continuously changing difference in height of water at the two ends.
  15. Flood
    is the movement of the current toward shore or upstream.
  16. Ebb
    is the movement away from shore or downstream.
  17. Inshore Current
    one close to shore and often classified as a costal current that flows roughly parallel to a coast outside the surf zone
  18. Longshore Current
    that is parallel to a shore inside the surf zone generated by waves striking the beach at an angle
  19. Charted clearance height for bridges is usually based _________________
    on the average of mean higher high water (MHHW).
  20. Charted depths on charts are usually based on ___________
    the average of mean lower low water (MLLW)
  21. The NAVDORM states that the only electronic tide/current programs the CO may authorize are:
    • NOAA tides and currents (for U.S. waters)
    • Admiralty Total Tide (all other areas)
    • Tide Tables
  22. Rock vs Island
    • Rock can only claim a territorial sea
    • Island can claim shelf, EEZ, cont. zone as well
  23. Can nations close territorial seas?
    • Yes, temporarily
    • Except for international straits
  24. Contiguous Zone
    • Max 24nm from baseline
    • Coastal state authorized exercise control necessary to enforce and / or punish violations of:
    • Customs laws
    • Fiscal laws
    • Immigration laws
    • Sanitary laws
  25. Exclusive Economic Zone
    • Max 200 nm
    • Sovereignty over resources
  26. Innocent Passage
    • Continuous and Expeditious traversing by ships solely for passage
    • Stopping and Anchoring
    • Incidental to Normal Navigation
    • Rendering Assistance
    • Suspendable
  27. Transit Passage Rights
    • Unimpeded passage
    • Continuous and expeditious
    • “Normal mode” of transit
    • Surface, air, and / or subsurface
    • Shoreline-to-shoreline
    • Non-suspendable
  28. Archipelagic Passage
    • Same as Transit Passage
    • Non-Suspendable
    • Must remain within 25nm of centerline
  29. Large vs Small Charts
    • Sailing = Small (1:600k)
    • Harbor = Large (1:50k)
  30. SGCH
    • Sailing -> General -> Coastal -> Harbor
    • Chart size from smallest to largest
  31. Sounding datum in US
    typically MLLW
  32. Fix
    • A position determined without reference to any former position
    • The common intersection of lines of positions (LOPs) obtained from simultaneous observations
  33. Visual Fix symbol
  34. DR Symbol
    half circle
  35. Triangle Symbol
    • Composite Fix
    • or Electronic Fix
  36. Estimated Position symbol
  37. Sun's bearing @ noon (northern hemisphere)
    • 180
    • Bearing is always 000 in southern hemisphere
  38. 6 rules of DR
    • 1. Every hour on the hour
    • 2. Every crs change
    • 3. Every spd change
    • 4. Every fix/running fix
    • 5. After plotting a single LOP
    • 6. DR out 2x fix intervals/ label with crs/speed/time
  39. Civil Twilight
    The period of incomplete darkness when the upper limb of the sun is below the visible horizon, and the center of the sun is not more than 6° below the celestial horizon.
  40. Nautical Twilight
    The time of incomplete darkness which begins (morning) or ends (evening) when the center of the sun is 12° below the celestial horizon. The times of nautical twilight are tabulated in the Nautical Almanac; at the times given the horizon is generally not visible and it is too dark for marine sextant observations.
  41. Meridian Transit
    The time at which the sun crosses the observers upper meridian
  42. Azimuth
    an accurate means of determining Gyro Error by comparing what a celestial body’s compass bearing WAS with what it should have been if there had been no error.
  43. Neumonic for compass/gyro error
  44. Why is meridian transit important?
    Helps us find latitutde
  45. Declination
    • The angular distance from the celestial equator
    • measured north or south
  46. GHA
    angular measurement measured West through 360° from Greenwich
  47. LHA
    angular measurement measured west through 360 from local
  48. Error of commission
    things you did that you shouldn't have
  49. clockward rotation
  50. cyclone vs anticyclone
    • cyclone has terrible weather
    • anticyclone has good weather, maybe some fog
  51. front
    boundary between one air mass and another
  52. cold front
    • violent thunderstorm initially
    • followed by pressure increasing and skies clearing
  53. warm front
    • clouds collect
    • fog forms
  54. High clouds
    Anything with "cirro" in it
  55. Middle clouds
    Anything with "alto" in it
  56. Low clouds
    • nimbostratus
    • stratus
    • stratocumulus
  57. Semidiurnal tide
    has two high tides and two low tides in a tidal day.
  58. Diurnal tide
    has one high tide and one low tide in a tidal day.
  59. Mixed Tide
    has a large inequality between the high and low tides of each tidal day.
  60. Dangerous semicircle
    • right-half (northern hemisphere)
    • left-half (southern hemisphere)
    • "back to your breeze" is for escaping
  61. LCS-2 LOA & Beam
    • 424 ft long
    • 104 ft wide
  62. LCS-2 Displacement & Draft
    • 3071 tons displacement
    • 19.7 ft draft
  63. LCS-2 Tactical diameter / Final diameter
    • 2740 yds tactical
    • 2690 yds final
  64. LCS-2 # Shafts
    (They want me to say N/A)
  65. LCS-2 "props"
    4 steerable waterjets
  66. LCS-2 height of eye
    61.5 ft
  67. LCS-2 Height of Bow
  68. LCS-2 shaft HP
  69. LCS-2 Max height above waterline
    108 ft
  70. Mine Immediate Actions
    • Zebra maindeck and below
    • non-essential personnel topside
    • don't change degaussing
    • consider prairie/masker
  71. Aircraft in water immediate actions
    • Make best speed towards it
    • SAR plot
    • man boat deck
    • muster medical personnel
    • add extra lookouts
  72. who should brief casualties IAW NAVDORM?
  73. Cross the T vs Parallel
    • Cross the T for bad weather
    • Parallel for fair weather
  74. Restricted Waters
    • <2 nm
    • 3 min fixes or better
    • FOM 2 or better
    • 50 yds
  75. Piloting Waters
    • 2-10 nm
    • 3-10 min fixes
    • FOM 4 or better
    • 100 yds
  76. Coastal Waters
    • 10-30 nm
    • 15-30 min fixes
    • FOM 6 or better
    • 500 yds
  77. Open Ocean
    • >30 nm
    • 30 min fixes
    • FOM 7 or better
    • 1500 yds
  78. Buoy vs Beacon
    • Beacon has higher installation cost
    • Buoy has higher maintenance cost
  79. Flashing Red or Green light
    Lateral buoy/marker at night
  80. Preferred channel
    • In IALA B, preferred channel is the top color
    • i.e. red top buoy means "go to port"
  81. After Bow Spring Line
    • Line 2
    • Prevents Fwd Motion
    • (Hold you back)
  82. Target Angle
    • True Bearing + 180 - Target course
    • If answer is negative add 360
    • If answer is greater than 360, subtract 360
  83. TSD Triangle
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NSS Cards