Language Arts Test 1

  1. Anticipation Guides
    A teacher-prepared list of statements that connects to a passage of text.
  2. Anticipatory activities
    Activities that build background and create interest for students to read for information.
  3. Basal Reader
    A collection of leveled readings published as a textbook for use in public schools.
  4. Cause and effect
    Show causal relationships between phenomena. A text structure used to explain the reasons and results of an even or phenomenon.
  5. Chapter Books
    Books that are divided into chapters and are designed to be read over multiple sittings.
  6. Class Set
    Multiple copies of the same source resource.
  7. Compare and contrast
    A text structure used to explain how two people, events, or phenomena are alike and different.
  8. Compare/contrast text structures
    Explain how two or more people, places, or phenomena are similar and different.
  9. Complimentary
    Similar perspectives of the same concept or event.
  10. Concept Circles
    Students group words or phrases into four sections of a circle and then name the concept the circle is illustrating.
  11. Connecting
    Linking information in the text to personal experiences, prior knowledge, or other text.
  12. Determining importance
    A comprehension strategy used by readers to differentiate between essential information and interesting details.
  13. Evaluating
    The reader makes judgments about the information being read, including the credibility, usefulness to the reader’s purpose and quality.
  14. Exemplification text structures
    Text that describes people, places or phenomena. It includes descriptive adjectives, adverbs and phrases.
  15. Expository Text
    Texts that conveys a message through definition, example, classification, analysis, and persuasion. Also, Informational text or the “literature of fact”.
  16. Fiction
    Non-expository text.
  17. Frayer Model
    When using this model, students brainstorm examples, non-examples, essential characteristics and non-essential characteristics for a given concept.
  18. Graphic Organizers
    Visual displays that help students understand, summarize, and synthesize the information from text and other sources.
  19. Inferring
    The ability to “read between the lines” to extract information not directly stated.
  20. Jigsaw
    A strategy in which a group of people divide the task of reading given material and then each person reports all relevant information to the whole group.
  21. K-W-L
    Used to determine what students know, want to know, and learned.
  22. List Group Label
    Allows students to brainstorm words they know associated with a key concept and then group the words into logical arrangements.
  23. Monitoring and clarifying
    An ongoing process used by the reader to ensure that what is being read is also being understood.
  24. Picture Walk
    Allows students to sequentially view and discuss all of the pictures, charts, and drawings contained in a selected reading.
  25. Predicting
    The reader uses his or her understanding of language, content, and context to anticipate what will be read next.
  26. Problem/Solution
    A text structure used to explain a challenge and the measures taken to address the challenge
  27. Prosody
    The use of rate, pitch, inflection, and tone when reading.
  28. RIVET
    Allows students to use prior knowledge to make vocabulary predictions before reading. (Similar to hangman.)
  29. Sidebars
    Marginal Drawings or textual displays
  30. Summarizing
    The reader’s ability to condense a longer piece of text into a shorter statement.
  31. Text Features
    Structural items used by the author to organize the content.
  32. Text Set
    Resources from multiple sources focusing on a common theme.
  33. Text structures for expository text
    Exemplification, compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution, and sequential.
  34. Textbooks
    A large group of materials purchased for teachers to use in their classrooms.
  35. Trade Books
    Books produced for the public market.
  36. Transportable teaching strategies
    Teaching strategies that are effective across content areas and grade levels.
  37. List the steps for creating an anticipatory guide:
    • 1. Identify the major concepts in reading.
    • 2. Consider your students’ prior knowledge.
    • 3. Write five to ten statements pertaining to the reading.
  38. List the types of text structures in Expository Texts
    • 1. Description
    • 2. Sequence
    • 3.Comparison and Contrast
    • 4. Cause and Effect
    • 5. Problem and Solution
  39. Difference between shared reading and read alouds
    Shared reading is when the teacher reads aloud, but students follow with their own copy. Read alouds is when only the teacher reads the text.
  40. What is the difference before, during and after phases of reading?
    • Before Reading: preview, activate prior knowledge.
    • During Reading:click and clunk, when a student comes across an unfamiliar word, they use a fix-up process like reread the sentence, read ahead,analyze word for familiar roots, or ask a partner what it means. during the reading, they also think about what they know so far, what the main idea is, and what the important facts are.
    • After Reading: wrap up and ask what has been learned.
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Language Arts Test 1
language arts test 1 from chapters 1-6 (Frey) and 1-3 (Frank)