Chemistry 1

  1. Define Chemistry
    The study of matter and the changes it undergoes
  2. Define Inorganic Chemistry (3)
    • Inorganic- Chemistry of all that is not organic
    • 1. Study of the metals and non-metals and their reactions
    • 2. Things not derived from living things
    • 3.Things that do not contain carbon
  3. Define Organic Chemistry (2)
    • Organic- Chemistry of Carbon and and carbon containing compounds.
    • - Chemistry of those things derived from once living things.
  4. Define Biochemistry (2)
    • 1. Chemistry of Life
    • 2. Involves all the living processes in health and disease
    • (Organic and inorganic are applied here)
  5. Define Biological Chemistry (2)
    • 1. Chemistry of Life
    • 2. Involves all the living processes in health and disease
    • (Organic and inorganic are applied here)
  6. Define Physiological Chemistry (2)
    • 1. Chemistry of Life
    • 2. Involves all the living processes in health and disease
    • (Organic and inorganic are applied here)
  7. Define Embalming Chemistry
    Chemistry of the chemical processes involving dead organic substances in terms of decomposition and preservation
  8. Define Thantochemistry
    The study of those physical and chemical changes in the human body that are caused by the process of death
  9. The Metric System
    • 1. Based in the decimal system
    • 2. Multiples of 10
  10. Giga-
    1,000,000,000 - billion
  11. Mega-
    1,000,000- million
  12. Kilo-
    1,000- thousand
  13. Hecto-
    100- hundred
  14. Deka-
    10- ten
  15. Deci-
    0.1- tenth
  16. Centi-
    0.01- hundredth
  17. Milli-
    0.001- thousandth
  18. Micro-
    0.000001- Millionth
  19. Nano-
    0.000000001- Billionth
  20. What is used to measure Length?
    • Basic Unit- Meter
    • 1m=39.37in.
    • 1in=2.54cm
  21. What is used to measure Volume?
    • Basic Unit- Liter
    • 1L=1.06 quarts
    • 1 fluid oz.=29.57ml =30ml
    • 1cc=1cm3=1ml
  22. What is used to measure Mass and Weight?
    • Basic Unit- Kilogram
    • 1Kg=2.2lbs
    • The lab basic unit- Gram 1/1000kg
    • 1oz=28.35g=30g
    • 1lb=454g
  23. Define Mass
    A measure of the quantity of matter a body contains
  24. Define Weight
    A measure of the gravitational attraction of the earth for the body.
  25. Define Heat (2)
    • Heat - the energy that causes there to be changes in matter (measured in calories)
    • 1. amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water 1degree C
    • 2. calories= # of grams of water X # degrees change in temperature
  26. What is used to measure heat?
  27. What is used to measure temperature?
    Celsius and Kelvin
  28. Temperature is
    the hotness or coldness o
  29. Degree Celsius or Degree Centigrade
    Used in most scientific study
  30. Kelvin Scale
    • Used in many mathematical formulas of chemistry
    • -0 K is absolute zero
    • -an abstract number
    • -when all things in the universe come to a halt
  31. Conversion from Celsius to Kelvin(Absolute)
    K= C +273
  32. Conversion Kelvin (Absolute) to Celsius
    C= K - 273
  33. Chart of Required Temperatures
    • C K \
    • Boiling point of water: 100 373
    • Normal Body Temp. 37 310
    • Freezing point of water 0 273
  34. Define Energy
    The ability or capacity to do work
  35. Define Potential Energy
    Stored Energy- Has the potential to do work
  36. Examples of Potential Energy
    • -food
    • -gasoline
    • -coiled spring
    • -battery
  37. Define Kinetic Energy
    The energy of motion
  38. Examples of Kinetic Energy
    • -current of a river
    • -wood-burning
    • -motor running
  39. Define Chemical Energy
    Energy associated with chemical reactions
  40. Define Exothermic Reaction
    Absorbs heat (feels cool)
  41. Define Exothermic Heat
    Releases heat (feels hot)
  42. The Law of Conservation of Energy
    • -Energy is neither created not destroyed in a chemical reaction
    • -only changed in form
  43. The Law if Conservation of Matter (Mass)
    -Matter (Mass) is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction
  44. The Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy
    • - In any type if reaction, mass or energy can be neither created or destroyed; they can only be interconverted(change one to other).
    • -nothing is lost in the reaction
  45. A measure of the gravitational attraction of the earth for a body is
  46. A measure of the quantity of matter that a body contains is
  47. All things in the universe come to a halt when what is reached?
    Absolute zero = 0 K
  48. How is heat measured?
    By temperature ( its hotness or coldness)
  49. The amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius is?
    Measured in calories
  50. The kilogram is the metric system basic unit of
    Mass and Weight
  51. The Liter is the metric basic unit of?
  52. What do you add to the degrees C when converting to Kelvin?
  53. What is the laboratory basic unit of weight measurement?
    Gram- 1/1000kg
  54. What is the most often used unit of temperature measurement in the mathematical formulas of chemistry?
Card Set
Chemistry 1
Chemistry 1, Vocab, Formulas, Review, Exam 1, Christie Redmon