- 1) Major supply of energy (1 g = 4 cal) *excess are converted to fats and glycogen 2) Structural component of cell membrane 3) Structural component of RNA/DNA
- 4) Lower the osmotic potential of internal fluids
- 5) Determine blood types
- 6) Supply dietary fiber
Part of the Body containing glucose
- 1) Brain 50%
- 2) Liver
- 3) Kidney
- 4) Intestines
A serum specimen is appropriate for glucose analysis if serum is separated from the cells w/in ...... min
30 min
Whole Blood Glucose -> Serum/Plasma Level
Multiply by
Plasma glucose is < Serum Glucose by
Glucose is metabolized at room temperature at rate of mg/dL or mmol/hr
7mg/dL, 0.4 mmol/hr
..... of ...... per mL of whole blood prevents ..... for up to ....
2 mg,NaF, glycolysis, 48-72 hr
CSF glucose is ..... that of Plasma Glucose
Fasting Plasma Glucose
..... > afternoon , evening
Urine Glucose is not used in ..... diagnosis
*used only for ......
Diabetes, monitoring purposes
- 1. Random Blood Sugar (RBS)
- 2. Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
- 3. 2 hr Post Prandial Blood Glucose
- 4. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
- 5. Glycosylated Hemoglobin/Glycated Hgb
- 6. Fructosamine / Glycated Albumin
Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
sample is taken after ...... of fasting
8-10 hr
2 hr Post Prandial Blood Glucose
1. Allow patient to fast for .....
2. Give patient a ....... glucose load
3. Plasma is determined after ....
2 hr Post Prandial Blood Glucose
1) Glucose level is at peak after .....
2) After ....., glucose will normalize
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) Procedure
1) Patient should consume normal to high glucose intake for ... prior to the test (.... CHO per day)
2) Patient should fast for the last .....
3) Fasting Blood Sugar is determined in the ....
4) Patient should be given a glucose load *should be w/in ....
*patient should not ...
*Glucose load for children: ... of body weight
* ..... for adults
5) Sample should be extracted for every..... in
- 3 days, 150 g
- 8-10 hr
- morning
- *5 min, vomit , 1.75 g k, 75 g
- 30 min, 2 hr
Glycosylated Hemoglobin/Glycated Hgb Considerations
1) The test should be done in the morning to prevent .....
2) If possible, patients should .... medications that can affect glucose tolerance 3) Patient should be .... - the patient should not .......
4) Test should be terminated if FB Glucose is ......
- hormonal diurnal effect
- discontinue
- Ambulatory, exercise, eat (except water), and smoke
- > 140 mg/dL
Glycosylated Hemoglobin/Glycated Hgb - monitors glucose control over the.... (life span of RBC -..... )
-↑ 1% HbA1c -> Δ 35 mg/dL plasma glucose - Specimen is ..... (contained at Lavender top (with EDTA)
- past 2-3 months, 120 days
- whole blood