PSY 105 History Vocab

  1. Stimulus
    Any physical energy sensed by an organism
  2. Introspecition
    To look within; to examine one's own thoughts, feelings, or sensations
  3. Structuralism
    The school of thought concerned with anylyzing sensations and personal experience into basic elements
  4. Functionalism
    The school of psychology concerned with how behavior and mental abilities help people adapt to their environments.
  5. Wilhelm Wundt (Vill-helm Voont) 1832-1920
    is credited with making psychology an independent science, separate from philosophy. He also investigated how sensations, images & feelings combine to make up personal experience.
  6. William James 1842-1910
    was the son of philosopher Henry James, Sr., & the brother of novelist Henry James. During a long academic career, he taught anatomy, physiology, psychology, and philosophy at Harvard University. He beleived strongly that ideas should be judged in terms of their practical consequences for human conduct.
  7. Behaviorism
    The school of psychology that emphasizes the study of overt, observable behavior.
  8. John B. Watson 1878-1958
    his intense intrest in observable behavior began with his doctoral studies in biology & neurology. He became a psychology professor at Johns Hopkins University in 1908 & advanced his theory of behaviorism. He remained at Johns Hopkins until 1920 when he left for a career in the advertising industry.
  9. B. F. Skinner 1904-1990
    Studied simple behaviors under carefully controlled conditions. The "Skinner Box" has been widely used to study learning in simplified animal experiments. In addition to advancing psychology, he hoped that his radical brand of behaviorism would improve human life.
  10. Max Wertheimer 1880-1941
    first proposed the Gestalt viewpoint to help explain perceptual illusions. He later promoted Gestalt psychology as a way to understand not only perception, problem solving, thinking & social behavior but also art, logic, philosophy and politics.
  11. Unconscious
    Contents of the mind that are beyond awareness, especially impulses and desires not directly known to a person.
  12. Psychoanalysis
    A Freudian approach to psychotherapy emphasizing the exploration on unconscious conflicts
  13. Humanism
    An approach to psychology that focuses on human experience, problems, potentials, and ideals.
  14. Determinism
    The idea that all behavior has prior causes that would completely explain one's choices and actions if all such causes were known.
  15. Free will
    The idea that human beings are capable of freely making choices or decisions
  16. Sigmund Freud 1856-1939
    for more then 50 yrs., he probed the unconscious mind. He altered modern views of human nature. his early experimentation with a "talking cure" for hysteria is regarded as the beginning of psychoanalysis. Through psychoanalysis, he added psychological treatment methods to psychiatry.
  17. Abraham Maslow, 1908-1970
    a founder of humanistic psychology, he was interested in studying people of exceptional mental health. He beleived that self-actualized people, made fuller use of their talents and abilities. He offered his postive view of human potential as an alternative to the schools of behaviorism and psychoanalysis.
  18. Self-actulization
    The ongoing process of fully developing one's personal potential.
  19. Repression
    The unconcious process by which memories, thoughts or impulses are held out of awarness.
  20. Self-Image
    is your preception of your own body, personality and capabilities.
  21. Self Evaluation
    refers to appraising yourself as good or bad.
  22. Frame of References
    is a mental perspective used to interpret events.
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PSY 105 History Vocab
PSY 105 History Vocab