chapter 8 nutrition

  1. Proteins contain __________ atoms, and carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Understand that ________ _____ are the building blocks of protein.

  2. The water of beverages and the water found in solid foods meet almost all our body's water needs daily
    ANSWER: True

    • Which of these is a symptom of deydration?
    • ANSWER: thirst

    • Which of these is the most abundant mineral in the body?
    • ANSWER: calcium
  3. Which of these is the best source of calcium?
    ANSWER: milk

    • Where is most of your body's phosphorus found?
    • ANSWER: bone

    • What food is not a good source of iron?
    • ANSWER: milk

    • Which of these makes it most likely for a person to develop a thiamin deficiency?
    • ANSWER: alcoholism

    • Which of the minerals is the major positively charged ion found outside the cells?
    • ANSWER: sodium

    • Which of these minerals is the major positively charged ion inside body cells?
    • ANSWER: potassium

    • Which of these foods contribute the highest amount of sodium in the U.S. diet?
    • ANSWER: processed foods (fast foods, smoked meats, etc)

    • The DASH diet is designed to lower the risk of/help treat ________.
    • ANSWER: hypertension

    • Which of these is the richest source of potassium?
    • ANSWER: fresh fruits and vegetables

    • Which of the following conditions results from an iodine deficiency?
    • ANSWER: goiter
  4. Which of these individuals is at the LOWEST risk of an iron deficiency?
    ANSWER: a middle-aged male
  5. Which of the following must be available for thyroxine to be produced?
    ANSWER: iodine
  6. Which vitamin enhances the absorption of iron
    ANSWER: vitamin C

    • Which of these promotes the absorption of iron?
    • ANSWER: MFP factor
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chapter 8 nutrition
chapter 8 nutrition