Hesi vocabulary

  1. acute
    sudden, intense
  2. adhere
    to hold fast or stick together
  3. aegis
    control, protection 

    ex. unit staffing decisions are under the aegis of the nurse manager
  4. ambivalent
    uncertain, having contradictory feelings
  5. assent
    to give consent or agree
  6. bacteria
    single-celled micro organisms
  7. bilateral
    present on two sides
  8. cavity
    an opening or empty area
  9. chronology
    order of events
  10. concave
    rounded inward
  11. consistency
    degree of viscosity or frequency of something
  12. contraindication
    a reason why something shouldn't be done
  13. cursory
    quick, not thorough 

    ex. a cursory examination in triage
  14. depress
    press downward
  15. dilate
    to expand
  16. discrete
    distinct, separate

    ex several discrete markings
  17. empathy
    ability to feel what others are feeling
  18. etiology
    the cause of a disease or condition, the origin
  19. exacerbate
    to make worse
  20. gastrointestinal
    relating to the stomach and intestines
  21. hematologic
    relating to the blood
  22. impending
    happening in the near future
  23. impervious
    impenetrable, not allowing anything to pass through
  24. incidence
  25. insidious
    so gradual as to not become apparent for a long time
  26. labile
    changing rapidly and often
  27. latent
    present but not active or visible
  28. manifestation
    an indication or sign of a condition
  29. neurovascular
    relating to the nervous system and blood vessels
  30. occluded
    closed or obstructed
  31. otic
    of the ear
  32. parameter
    a limit
  33. patent

    ex. the needle was patent before the medication was given
  34. pathogenic
    causing or able to cause disease
  35. pathology
    the path of a disease or abnormality
  36. precipitous
    uncontrolled, rapid
  37. prognosis
    expected outcome
  38. rationale
    the underlying reason 

    giving the rational for a low salt diet
  39. renal
    of the kidneys
  40. serene
    calm and tranquil
  41. sublingual
    under the tongue
  42. transdermal
    passing through the skin
  43. triage
    process used to determine the priority of treatment
  44. ubiquitous
    seeming to be everywhere at once
  45. vascular
    relating to the blood vessels
  46. virulent
    extremely harmful and severe
  47. virus
    a microscopic infection agent that can only replicate in living cells
  48. vital
  49. aural
    pertaining to the ear or sense of hearing
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Hesi vocabulary