1. What must be included in the offense/supplement on a strip search and body cavity search?
    The report must contain the name and I.D. number of the person performing the search and all observers present, the date and time the search was performed and the results of the search
  2. Under what circumstances will a person NOT be stripped search?
    traffic, regulatory, or misdemeanor offense, except in cases which involve violence, controlled substances, weapons or firearms
  3. All strip searches shall be observed by a minimum of how many authorized observers.
  4. When can a strip-search be conducted?
    With the prior written approval of the Shift Lieutenant or senior ranking road patrol supervisor.
  5. Who must document in writing the justification for the search?
    Supervisors or Shift Lieutenants who authorize a strip search
  6. To conduct a body-cavity search, it must be based upon what?
    reasonable belief by the arresting or custodial officer that the individual arrested has secreted evidence and/or contraband within a body cavity
  7. If a body-cavity search is necessary the arrested person will be transported where
    Broward Health Medical Center where the search will be conducted by qualified medical personnel
  8. When a lawful arrest is effected the area within the person's immediate control will be searched for the purpose of
    • protecting the officer from attack;
    • 2. preventing the person from escaping;
    • 3. discovering the fruits of a crime;
    • 4. preventing the destruction of evidence; or
    • 5. ascertaining if the arrested person is wearing a medic-alert bracelet or necklace, if the arrested person appears to be inebriated, intoxicated, or not in control or his or her physical functions.
  9. No person arrested for a traffic, regulatory, or misdemeanor offense shall be strip search except for?
    • Cases involving violence, controlled substances, weapons or firearms
    • probable cause to believe that the individual is concealing a weapon or firearm, a controlled substance or stolen property
    • A judge at first appearance has found that the person arrested cannot be released either on recognizance or bond and therefore shall be incarcerated
Card Set
POLICY 501.3