Psychology Final: Development

  1. biology of pregnancy
    zygote--> embryo (2 weeks)--> fetus (9 weeks)
  2. maturation
    set of biological changes
  3. sensitive period
    • time window to develop skill
    • determined by nature
    • ex. sensitive period for leaning ESL syntax: before 7 years old
  4. critical period
    • strict, all or none for learning
    • determined by nature
  5. rich vs poor rats
    • enriched environment--> heavier brain
    • experience influences biology
  6. how to study development in infants
    • measure amount of crying/eating
    • hear mom's voice--> suck nipples more
    • new word--> fetus kicks
  7. language development
    • infants: distinguish all phonemes (even non-native languages)
    • Motherese- exaggerate sound--> easier to distinguish
  8. first words
    13.5 months
  9. when do infants develop grammar?
    2-3 years
  10. infant language habits
    • 2 word utterances
    • add plural "s"
    • overuse grammar rules (ex. sheeps)
  11. Piaget's theory of cognitive development
    • study cognitive development through ERROR
    • children do not know less than adults. Children have different set of assumptions than adults
    • rigid stage order
  12. assimilation
    incorporating new experiences into existing scheme
  13. accommodation
    new scheme created
  14. Stage 1: sensorimotor
    • 0-2 years
    • reflex--> controlled
    • (9 months) milestone = object permanence, A not B task
  15. Stage 2: preoperational
    • 2-7 years
    • symbolic thought (ex. pretend a stick is a sword)
    • no logical thought
    • classification of objects by single feature (ex. all red objects together, all blue objects together)
    • word explosion
    • egocentric- difficultly taking another's perspective
    • cannot do conservation of liquids
  16. Stage 3: concrete operational
    • 7-12 years
    • logical thought of concrete objects
    • understanding of operation- a reversable operation --> gains conservation
    • classifies objects according to multiple features
    • transform math functions
  17. Stage 4: formal operational
    • 12+ years
    • logical/reasoning thinking of abstract
    • test hypothesis
    • systematically find solutions to problems
  18. arguments against Piaget
    • Piaget= children use same kind of logic to solve problems
    • 1. development is a continuous process
    • 2. Children can accomplish milestones at earlier age than proposed
    • 3. formal logic is a SMALL part of cognition
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Psychology Final: Development
Intro to Psychology