Mosquito Identification extra 01

  1. The Western Malaria mosquito =

    Anopheles _
    Anopheles freeborni
  2. The Yellow Fever mosquito =

    Aedes _
    Aedes aegypti
  3. The Asian Tiger mosquito =

    Aedes _
    Aedes albopictus
  4. The Southern California Malaria mosquito =

    Anopheles _
    Anopheles hermsi
  5. The Irrigated Pasture mosquito =

    Aedes _
    Aedes nigromaculis
  6. The Western Tree Hole mosquito =

    Aedes _
  7. The Inland Floodwater mosquito =

    Aedes _
    Aedes vexans
  8. The Western Encephalitis mosquito =

    Culex _
    Culex tarsalis
  9. List all members of
    the California Anopheles maculipennis complex:

    Anopheles _
    Anopheles _
    Anopheles _
    • freeborni
    • hermsi
    • occidentalis
  10. four dark scale patches on
    each wing and the
    fringe of the wing
    completely dark-scaled =

    Anopheles freeborni
  11. lacking air siphons and
    lying horizontally at
    the water surface when
    at rest =

    larvae of which Genus?
  12. Females of this
    species survive the
    winter in an
    inseminated, non-gravid,
    un-blood fed state.
    Anopheles freeborni
  13. _ eggs have
    characteristic floats
    extending from the sides
  14. Blood meal sources are
    deer, sheep, horses,
    dogs and humans =

  15. Spring rain pools, river
    seepage areas, marshes,
    swamps, semi-permanent or
    permanent ponds in
    irrigated pastures,
    rice fields and drainage
    ditches are among
    the most common
    larval habitats of?
    Anopheles freeborni
  16. Distinguishing An. freeborni
    larvae from other
    California Anopheles larvae
    is difficult and relies
    primarily upon _
    _ and the
    pattern of _
    on the head.
    • body hairs
    • spots
  17. All three of these three species are dark-
    legged, dark-palpi
  18. is an aggressive, flighty biter
    and will attempt to
    feed on a number
    of different hosts
    in order to
    obtain a blood meal
    Anopheles hermsi
  19. adults are medium-sized,
    brown mosquitoes with dark
    palpi, a wide grey
    longitudinal stripe on
    the mesonotum and
    two pale spots on the
    forward wing margin.
    Anopheles punctipennis
  20. Larvae inhabit shaded grassy
    pools in cool wooded areas along
    intermittent creeks and permanent rivers.
    Anopheles punctipennis
  21. In California, _ _
    was a significant cause
    of malaria in the
    early 1900s in Placer County.
    Problems with this
    species led to
    one of the first
    mosquito abatement
    programs in the state.
    Anopheles punctipennis
  22. a secondary vector for
    WEE and CE in
    the Central Valley

    Aedes ...
    Aedes dorsalis
  23. Eggs of many diapausing
    Aedes species will not
    hatch until they
    have been exposed to
    very cold temperatures for
    periods as long as
    6 months or more.
    This exposure is called
  24. single generation per year =
  25. vector of
    Jamestown Canyon virus (JC)

    Aedes ....
    Aedes hexodontus
  26. it has been implicated as
    an enzootic vector of
    WEE and an endemic vector of
    CE in the Central Valley.

    Aedes ...
    Aedes melanimon
  27. the most important
    vector of dog heartworm in
    the coastal and foothill
    communities of northern California.

    Aedes ....
    Aedes sierrensis
  28. the California salt marsh mosquito

    Aedes ...
    Aedes squamiger
  29. Moro Bay virus has
    been isolated from this species

    Aedes ...
    Aedes squamiger
  30. the black salt marsh mosquito

    Aedes ...
    Aedes taeniorhynchus
  31. a secondary vector of
    encephalitis viruses (e.g., SLE, WNV, and WEE)

    Culex ...
    Culex pipiens
  32. in urban environments,
    Culex ... may be
    the primary WNV vector
    Culex quinquefasciatus
  33. is also a probable vector of
    dog heartworm.

    Culex ...
    Culex quinquefasciatus
  34. a primary vector of SLE, WEE, and WNV.

    Culex ...
    Culex tarsalis
Card Set
Mosquito Identification extra 01
Mosquito Identification extra 01