NTA Anatomy & Physiology

  1. Define anatomy and physiology
    • Anatomy: the study of body parts or structure
    • Physiology: the study of how parts work or how the body functions - functional nutrition
    • Structure determines Function and vise versa
  2. Describe the six levels of structural organisation within the body
    • 1. Chemical 
    • 2. Cells
    • 3. Tissue
    • 4. Organs
    • 5. System
    • 6. Organism
  3. Define pH and describe the scale used for pH
    • pH stands for Power of Hydrogen - it is a numerical value that represents the acidity or alkalinity of a substance.
    • The scale runs from 0-14; with 0 representing pure acid and 7 - neutral and 14 pure alkalinity.
  4. pH maths
  5. Describe the Anatomical position.
    The anatomical position is a person standing forwards arms by their side and palms facing forwards.
  6. Define and apply the directional terms for anatomy.
    • 1. Superior - towards the head
    • 2. Inferior - Towards the feet
    • 3. Prone - on their stomach
    • 4. Supine - on their back
    • 5. Deep - palpating deeply into tissue
    • 6. Proximal - close to the body attachment point
    • 7. Distal - attachment point away from the body
    • 8. medial - towards centre of body
    • lateral - towards the outside of the body
    • 9. Anterior - front of body
    • 10.Posterior - back of body
    • 11. Ipsilateral - two points on same side of the body
    • 12. Contralateral - 2 points on opposite sides of the body
    • 13. Superficial - on the surface
    • 14. Bilateral - relating to or having two sides
    • 15. Unilateral - occurring only on one side
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NTA Anatomy & Physiology
Mod Objectives