BEC 5 - Econ Marketplace

  1. The change in the quantity demanded occurs due to this factor...
    change in price
  2. The change in the quantity supplies occurs due to this factor
    change in price
  3. Name some of the factors that change the demand for a product
    • wealth or income
    • anticipated price changes
    • price of related goods (substitutes, complimentary)
    • taste or preference (fad)
    • number of buyers in the market
  4. Name some of the factors that change the supply of a product
    • anticipated price changes (produce more before the price drops=sell more at the higher rate)
    • production costs (including subsidies, taxes)
    • price of related goods
    • increases in efficiency of production
  5. What is a price (1) floor, (2) ceiling? What are the effects?
    • These are government imposed restrictions.
    • (1) Floor: the lowest price that a supplier may charge for a product (ex=corn at $10 barrel to subsidize farmers). Effect=suppliers want to produce to make good money, but consumers don't want to buy = surplus of product
    • (2) Ceiling: the highest price that a supplier may charge (ex=rent to low income families). Effect=suppliers don't want to produce b/c no profit [or even a loss], but consumers love the price = shortage.
  6. What is the effect on price if both an increase in demand and increase in supply occur simultaneously?
    Indeterminate. It could increase or decrease depending on which curve shifts more.
  7. What is the formula to determine elastisticity of demand? What do the results indicate?
    • The absolute value of --
    • % chg in quantity demanded / % chg in price, watch for use of midpoint
    • (new quantity-old quantity)/((new+old)/2) / (new price-old price)/((new+old)/2)
    • If =0, perfectly inelastic = the supplier can charge whatever it wants and demand won't chg.
    • If <1.0, price inelastic = the supplier can charge more and the quantity sold won't chg much = increase in revenue
    • If >1.0, price elastic = if supplier charges more, demand will drop considerably = decrease in revenue
    • If =1.0, unit elastic = the quantity demanded will increase proportionally with the price change.
  8. What is the formula to determine elastisticity of supply? What do the results indicate?
    • The absolute value of --
    • % chg in quantity supplied / % chg in price
    • (new quantity-old quantity)/((new+old)/2) / (new price-old price)/((new+old)/2)
    • If =0, perfectly inelastic = the supplier will produce the same qtnty at any price.
    • If <1.0, price inelastic = the supplier will produce about the same amt despite a large chg in price
    • If >1.0, price elastic = the supplier will produce considerably more or less even with small chgs in price
    • If =1.0, unit elastic = the supplier will increase the quantity supplies proportionally with the price change.
  9. What is the formula to determine cross elasticity. What do the results indicate? Why would these results occur?
    • % chg in # units demanded or supplied / % change in price of a different product
    • If (+) coefficient = substitute goods. People will purchase a different product if the price of the 1st product increases (ex=butter instead of margarine)
    • If (-) coefficient = complementary goods. People will purchase more (or less) of the 2nd product along with your product (ex=printer ink to go with your printer)
  10. What is a (1) normal or (2) inferior good? How can you tell?
    • % chg in units purchased / % chg in income
    • Normal: What people want to buy if they can. If (+) coefficient = normal good.
    • Inferior: What people buy when they are cash poor. If (-) coefficient = inferior good.
  11. What are the 6 factors that cause a shift in the demand curve?
    • WRITEN
    • Wealth
    • Related Goods (substitutes, complements)
    • Income
    • Tastes
    • Expectations
    • Number of Buyers
  12. What are the 5 factors that cause a shift in the supply curve
    • E-COST
    • Expectations of the supplying firm
    • Costs of inputs
    • Other goods
    • Subsidies (supply will increase) or taxes (supply will decrease)
    • Technology
  13. Define market equilibrium. What is another name?
    • The point at which the support and demand curves intersect. There are no surpluses or shortages.
    • aka Market Clearing Price
  14. For price elasticity of demand, if price increases, what is the effect on total revenue if elasticity is (1) elastic, (2) inelastic, (3) unit elastic
    • (1) decreases
    • (2) increases
    • (3) remains unchanged
  15. For price elasticity of supply, if price increases, what is the effect on total production if elasticity is (1) elastic, (2) inelastic, (3) unit elastic
    • (1) increases quantity supplied
    • (2) decreases quantity supplied
    • (3) unchanged
  16. Which of the following pricing policies results in establishment of a price to external customers higher than the competitive price for a given industry: (1) predatory, (2) dual, (3) transfer, (4) collusive
    (4) Collusive
Card Set
BEC 5 - Econ Marketplace
Becker Review