Patient teaching for lidocaine (Xylocaine)
- Dental - injury due to biting numb areas
- movement of limbs after surgery
- report drowsiness
- NPO x1 hr
- help getting out of bed
- oral lidocaine (do not swallow)
What are the side effects of lidocaine (Xylocaine)?
- early CNS excitement
- resp depression
- cardiac arrest
- ck CPK
What is the mechanism of action of lidocaine (Xylocaine)?
blocks neuronal pain
What are the nursing considerations of general anesthesia?
- pre-op instructions (NPO, avoid blood thin meds)
- Pain - meds, pain scale
- N&V, sore throat post surgery
- Report palpitations, SOB, dizziness
- anticholinergic properties
- can't see
- can't pee
- can't spit
- can't shit