MAT Vocab D1

  1. Daunt
    to discourage, intimidate

    Demoralize, dishearten, consternate
  2. dearth
    lack, scarcity, insufficiency

    absence, shortage, paucity
  3. deferential
    respectful and polite in a submissive way

    courteous, obsequious
  4. defunct
    no longer existing, dead, extinct 

    gone, vanished deceased, departed
  5. delegate (v)
    to give powers to another

    assign , entrust, commit, appoint, authorize
  6. deleterious
    harmful, often in a subtle or unexpected way

    pernicious, harmful, detrimentlal, nocent, nocuous
  7. demagogue
    leader, rabble-rouser, usually using appeals to emotions or prejudice 

    agitator, inciter, instigator, fomenter, firebrand
  8. demur
    to express doubts or objections

    protest, remonstrate, kick, expostulate, dissent
  9. denigrate
    to slur or blacken someone's reputation 

    malign, belittle, disparage, vilify, slander
  10. depravity
    sinfulness, moral corruption

    decadence, debauchery, enormity, corruption, degradation
  11. deprecate
    to belittle, disparage

    minimize, denigrate, discount
  12. despot
    tyrannical ruler

    authoritarian, autocrat, dictator, totalitarian
  13. diaphanous
    allowing light to show through; delicate 

    sheer, transparent, gauzy, translucent; tenuous
  14. diatribe
    bitter verbal attack 

    tirade, jeremiad, fulmination, harangue, philippic
  15. dichotomy
    division into two parts 

    split, distinciton, bifurcation, opposition
  16. dictum
    authoritative statement; popular saying 

    decree, edict; adage, apothegm, aphorism
  17. didactic
    excessively instructive 

    educational, improving, moralistic
  18. diffidence
    shyness, lack of confidence 

    timidity, reticence
  19. digress
    to turn aide, to stray from the main point 

    diverge, deviate, wander
  20. dilapidated
    in disrepair, run down, neglected 

    decrepit, ramshackle, deteriorated, decayed
  21. dilatory
    slow, tending to delay 

    sluggish, tardy, unhurried
  22. dirge
    funeral hymn

    elegy, threnody, lament
  23. discrepancy
    difference between 

    contradiction, divergence, incongruity, disparity, incompatibility
  24. discretionary
    subject to one's own judgement 

    elective, optional, voluntary, unforced
  25. discursive
    moving from topic to topic without order

    digressive, rambling, unfocused
Card Set
MAT Vocab D1
MAT Vocab D