Stages in binary fission
- Cellular elongation
- DNA Replication
- Cell Division
Proteins of the divisosome
- FtsZ
- ZipA
- FtsA
- FtsI
- Min Proteins
Min Proteins
- Min C - Prevent FtsZ
- Min D - Prevent FtsZ
- Min E - Removes Min C and D
- Helical bands around the cell giving it shape
- Peptidoglycan synthesis elongates the cell
Key macromolecules in cell wall synthesis
- Bactoprenol - Transports peptidoglycan across the membrane
- Transglycolases - Insert cell wall precursors into the membrane
- FtsI - Transpeptidation
Direct methods of cell counting
- Microscopy
- Filtration
- Coulter counter
- Flow cytometry
Indirect cell counting
- Viable plate count
- Membrane filtration - Like plate counts
- Microbial dry weight
- Turbidity
Liebig's law
Total biomass of an organism is determined by nutrient availability
Responses to starvation
- Reduced cell size
- Change in morphology
- Metabolic shutdown
Cardinal temperatures
Min, Optimum and Max temps
Adaptations to cold
- More alpha helices
- Cryoprotectants
- More hydrophillic residues
Adaptions in thermophiles
- More salt bridges
- Dense, hydrophobicity
- Di-inositol phosphate, diglycerol phosphate
A thermophile
- Pyrolobus fumerii (Hyperthermophile)
- Thermus aquaticus
Bursting due to dehydration
Types of organism (with regard to oxygen)
- Aerobic
- Microaerophillic
- Anaerobic
Elimination of viable cells
Treatment to make it safe to handle
Removal of harm-causing microbial agents
Reduces total microbial levels (not just pathogens)
Death point
Amount of something required to kill an organism in a given amount of time
A sterility indicator
Geobacillus stearothermophillus
Physical methods of controlling growth
- Heat (Autoclave, canning, pasteurization, regrigeration)
- Radiation (Microwave, UV, X-ray)
- Filtration - Laminar flow hood
- Dessication
- Destroys all life (including spores)
- Bleach
- Kill or inhibit microbial growth
- Ethanol