Messer Chapter 1.6 - CPU Technologies

  1. What does the number mean for the intel sockets?
    Refers to the number of pins that are on the socket
  2. What effects your actual speed and performance of your pc? Name 5 things
    • 1. Clock speed
    • 2. Bus speed
    • 3. Bus width
    • 4. CPU architecture
    • 5. Cache
  3. HTT
    HyperThreading Technology
  4. What is HTT?
    When one CPU acts like 2
  5. What is virtualization support and where is it located?
    • VT gives you the ability to run other operating systems with a single computer
    • 2. The processor
  6. What is EDB
    Execute Disable Bit is intel security feature that helps reduce exposure to viruses
  7. Heat sinks are made of...?
    Copper or aluminum
  8. Standard sizes for fans? Name 3
    • 1. 80 mm
    • 2. 120 mm
    • 3. 200mm
  9. What uses passive cooling?
    STB, Media server, video servers
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Messer Chapter 1.6 - CPU Technologies