BUMEDINST 6280.1A Management of Infectous Waste

  1. What is the purpose of BUMEDINST 6280.1?
    To provide standards for the management of infectious waste for MTF/DTF’s
  2. What brought about the concern that infectious waste might potentially have adverse environmental and public health effects?
    Improper disposal
  3. Waste from patient diagnosis, treatment, or immunizations may be subdivided into what two categories?
    Infectious and non-infectious waste
  4. Exposure to infectious waste that could result in disease is more likely to occur where?
    Occupational settings that generate, transport, store, treat, or dispose of potentially infectious materials
  5. Items determined to be noninfectious waste can be treated as__________ waste, using accepted methods of collection, storage, transport, and disposal.
    General Waste
  6. State three examples of noninfectious or general waste
    Used personal hygiene products such as diapers, facial tissues, and sanitary napkins
  7. Liquid or solid waste containing pathogens in sufficient numbers and of sufficient virulence to cause infectious disease in susceptible hosts exposed to the waste.
    Infectious Waste
  8. State four examples of Infectious Waste
    Sharps, Microbiological waste from cultures and stocks, Liquid, Semi-liquid blood, or body fluid, Pathological waste from human tissues and organs or animal carcasses
  9. What is the separation of infectious waste from noninfectious waste at its point of origin?
  10. Describe the Biohazard Container that infectious waste is placed in
    The container is lined with plastic bags of sufficient thickness, durability, puncture resistance, and burst strength to prevent rupture or leaks
  11. How should infectious waste containers be labeled?
    Labeled with the Universal Biohazard symbol and have the word “BIOHAZARD” or be red in color.
  12. True or False: When packaging and handling Sharps containers never place the sharps container into another container such as a plastic bag or rigid box.
  13. What two containers should never be used to transport infectious waste?
    Chutes or Dumbwaiters
  14. In preparation for transporting, what type of containers should be used for anatomical pathology waste?
    Double-wall corrugated boxes or equivalent rigid containers that are double lined with plastic bags... for transport and incineration in an infectious waste incinerator
  15. True or False: Blood, suctioned fluids, or other potentially infectious liquid waste may be decanted into clinical sinks (not hand washing sinks), unless this practice is prohibited by State or local regulations.
  16. True or False: Semi-rigid gel when added to liquids (gelatinization) may also be used to solidify blood and other potentially infectious liquid waste in suction canisters or other containers. These materials do not have to be treated as infectious waste.
  17. Explain what happens to bulk blood and other potentially infectious liquid waste which has not been solidified and cannot be safely decanted.
    Place into rigid containers that are double-lined with plastic bags for transport and incineration
  18. At what point do you utilize storage for infectious waste?
    If the waste cannot be treated on-site
  19. Storage of infectious waste without refrigeration should limited to ________ days.
  20. Storage areas shall be constructed and kept clean to prevent entry of _____ & _____.
    Rodents and Pests
  21. This is achieved through destruction, such as by incineration or through inactivation by heat, chemicals, or radiation without disintegrating the cells.
    Infectious waste treatment
  22. What should be done to infectious waste before compacting or grinding?
    Sterilized and rendered noninfectious
  23. True or False: If infectious waste is transported off-site, the receiving facility shall provide written documentation of proper treatment and disposal.
  24. True or False: Any new treatment techniques submitted for approval shall be acceptable to local regulating authorities, shall have scientific evidence of efficacy, and shall have successful use elsewhere for a minimum of 3 years.
    False 2 years
  25. If there are none prescribed in your area, develop a practical system to monitor the disposal of infectious waste. This system shall include what four points?
    Date, Type of Waste, Amount (weight, volume, or number of containers), and Disposition
  26. Name the methods of treatment and disposal for Microbiological Waste.
    • Steam Sterilization, Chemical Disinfection, and Incineration
    • Disposal in Sanitary Landfill
  27. Name the methods of treatment and disposal for Pathological Waste.
    • Incineration and Cremation
    • Disposal in Sanitary Landfill and Burial
  28. Name the methods of treatment and disposal for Bulk Blood and OPIL.
    • Gelatinization
    • Disposal in Sanitary Sewer and Landfill
  29. Name the methods of treatment and disposal for Sharps in sharps containers.
    • Steam Sterilization and Incineration
    • Disposal in Sanitary Landfill
  30. True or False: Chemical disinfection is most appropriate for liquids.
  31. True or False: Ash remaining after incineration may go directly to the sanitary landfill, unless State or local regulations require testing the ash for characteristics of hazardous waste.
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BUMEDINST 6280.1A Management of Infectous Waste
Management of Infectous Waste