Chem 4, College of the Desert, Chapter 15.txt

  1. Waxes
    • Waxes
    • Are Esters of long chain Fatty Acids and long alcohols.
    • •Dagrees C= 100 < Mp > 37
    • •Protective (fx) in fruits leaves
    • •To deter insects, in animals, on flowers to repel H2O.
  2. Cephalins
    Glycerophospholids found in brain and nerve tissues that incorpertate the amino alcohol serine or ethanolamime.
  3. Cholesterol
    The most prevalent of the steriod compounds; needed for cellular membrains, the synthesis of vitamin D, hormons, and lite salts.
  4. Carboxylate part
    Hydrophobic --> loves H2O

    (used to break up grease gobuals for cleaning).
  5. Cell membrains
    • Membrains are made up of a phospholipid bilayers studded with with protein.
    • Polor heads ooooooooo
    • Non-polor tails | | | | | | | | |
    • (heads and rails are attached).
  6. Fat
    A triacylglycerol obtained from an amimal source; usually a solid at RT (room temp).
  7. Fatty Acids or FA's
    • •Contain an even # of C's (14-24).
    • •Saturated FA's contain only single bonds.
    • •Unsaturated Fatty Acids
    • -->monosaturated: nuts, avocodos, olive oil,etc (1C=C)
    • -->polyunsaturated: grains products, sea food, soybeans (2 or more C=C).
    • -->most natural unsaturated FA's contain fish oil.
    • ~The cis configuation
    • (which gives the lower Mp)
    • ~The trans configuration FA's
    • (have trans. Comfiguration instead of cis)
  8. HDL
    • High Density Lipoprotein
    • (good cholesterol)
    • ~high levels are better
    • Avg man: 40-50 mg/dl
    • Avg woman: 50-60 mgdl
  9. LDL
    • Low Density Lipoprotein
    • (bad cholesterol)
    • Less then 100 mg/dl is optimal.
  10. Hydrocarbon part
    Hydrophobic --> hates H2O

    (used to break up grease gobuals for cleaning)
  11. Steroids
    3-6 sided rings joined 1,5 sided ring

    (steroids= sex hormons)
  12. Tricyclglycerals
    Esters of the F.A. with glyceral.

    • gly. | F.A.(14-24C)
    • cer | F.A.(14-24C)
    • Al. | F.A.(14-24C)

    • If the F.A.'s are unsaturated => they are fats and solid at room temp.
    • ~ if they are saturated
    • => they are liquid at room temp.
  13. Lipids
    • A family of compounds that is none polar in nature and NOT soluable in water, includes; fats, waxes, glycerophospholipids and steroids.
    • -> are molecules attained from living cells.
    • -> soluable in non polar solvents.
    • -> Ex: cholestrol, hormons
    • -> function of lipids

    Also: energy storage- insulation, protection, emulsification.
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Chem 4, College of the Desert, Chapter 15.txt
general info