CPSC - Algae

  1. Slow sorting algorithms
    • O(n), O(n2)...
    • Selection Sort
    • Bubble sort, 
    • Insertion sort
    • All are O(n2)
  2. Searching algorithms
    • Linear Search, O(n)
    • Binary Search, O(log[n])
  3. Binary search algorithm sketch
    • Find the mid point between the bounds
    • Compare the midpoint with the key (<, ==, >)
    • Adjust the bounds (if needed)
    • Iterate (if needed)
  4. Why is binary search fast?
    • The search area is reduced by half each time
    • log(n)
  5. Selection sort sketch
    • Start at the first index
    • Scan the array for any values smaller than index
    • Swap when appropriate
    • Iterate the index and repeat
  6. Fast sorting algorithms
    • Quicksort
    • Merge Sort
    • Heap Sort
  7. Merge Sort Sketch
    • Recursively split the array in to halves and sub-halves
    • Create a temporary array of equal size
    • Combine the halves by placing the smaller elements into the temp array first
    • Copy any remaining elements
    • Copy everything back into the initial array
    • Recursive process
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CPSC - Algae