module 1 chpt: 1 3 4 5 6 8

  1. acute illness
    an illness one will recover from
  2. assisted living residence
    povides housing,care, support services, and assists with daily activities
  3. case management
    a nursing case manager coordinates the cae of specific groups of patients from admissions to discharge
  4. chronic illness
    slow on going illness that cant be controlled and has no cure
  5. functional nursing
    nursing care pattern focusing on tasks and jobd
  6. licensed practical nurse/LVN
    a nurse who has completed a practical nursing program and has been passed a licensing test
  7. CNA
    performs tasks under the supervision of licensed nurse and nursing assistant training
  8. patient focused care
    a nursing care pattern, services are moved from departments to the bedside
  9. primary nursing
    an RN is responsible for the persons total care
  10. surveyor
    a person who collects info by observing and asking Qs
  11. team nursing
    a team of nursing staff is led by a RN who decides the amount and kind of care each person needs
  12. the purpose of health care agencies (4)
    • health promotion
    • disease prevention
    • detection and treatment
    • rehab and restorative care
  13. 7 types of agencies
    • hospitals
    • rehab and sub-acute care agencies
    • long term care centers
    • ALR
    • mental health center
    • home care agencies
    • hospice
  14. long term care centers are designed for
    persons who cannot care for themselves at home but do not need hospital care
  15. rehab and sub-acute care agencies are designed for
    people who d not need hospital care but are too sick or disabled to go home
  16. ALR are designed for
    nursing centers or retirement communities where they have a room and 24 hours supervision is given
  17. mental health centers are designed for
    those who have problems with life events or are in danger to themselves or others because of how they think or behave
  18. home care agencies are designed for
    health care services are provided to people where they live
  19. board of directors/trustees do what
    • they are a governing body of an agency
    • they make policies and make sure safe care is given at the lowest possible cost
    • administrator manages the agency and reports to the board
  20. audiologist
    tests hearing, prescribes hearing aids, works with those who are hard of hearing
  21. cleric
    assists with spiritual needs
  22. clinical nurse specialists
    advanced practice RN who consults in a specialty (i.e. geriatrics)
  23. dental hygienist
    cleans teeth and provides preventative care
  24. dentist
    treats problems with the teeth, gums, and mouth
  25. LVN
    provides nursing care and gives drugs under RNs direction
  26. medical/clinical lab tech
    collects specimens. Performs lab test on blood, urine, etc
  27. med records and health info tech
    • maintains med records and transcribes med records
    • codes patient info for billing purposes
  28. medication assistant certified
    give drugs allowed by state law under the supervision of a licensed nurse
  29. nurse prac
    • advanced practice RN in a nurse specialty
    • does physical exams, diagnoses common health probs, and prescribes drugs and treatment
  30. occupational therapist
    assists persons to learn or retain skills needed for daily living
  31. occupational therapy assistant
    performs tasks and services supervised by an OTR
  32. speech and language pathologist
    diagnosis and treats comm and swallowing disorders
  33. DON is responsible for
    entire nursing staff and nurse care given
  34. nursing care pattern (5)
    • functional nursing
    • team nursing
    • primary nursing
    • case management
    • patient focused care
  35. programs that help pay for health care (4)
    • private insurance (bought by person)
    • group insurance (bought by group or organ)
    • medicare (federal program for persons 65+)
    • medicaid (low income)
  36. prospective payment systems
    • limit amount paid by insurers, medicaid, medicare
    • the amount is determined before care. If amount is less the agency pockets, if more, they accept the loss
  37. an agency must meet standards for (3)
    • licensure (agency must have a license)
    • certification (needed to receive funds from medicaid/care)
    • accreditation (voluntary, signals quality and excellence)
  38. surveys
    are done to see if standards are met
  39. what does the survey team do (6)
    • review policies and procedures
    • interview staff and patients
    • observe how care is given
    • observe if dignity and privacy are promoted
    • check for cleanliness and safety
    • make sure staff meets state requirements
  40. if the surveryors see the agency meets standards  they will license, accred, or certify them. If not they will give the agency 60 days or fine them or lose license
  41. endorsement
    a state recognizes the certificate, license, or registration issued by another state
  42. california code of regulations title 22, division 5, OBRA (4)
    california state laws enacted by legislature to establish licensing and cert standards of health facilities, minimum stands of care for residents, regs which govern the CNA training program, and CNA certif requirements-initial and renewal

    • skilled nursing facility must be licensed
    • must have policies and procedures to ensure residents rights and safety
    • violations of title 22 may lead to issuarance of state citation with a monetary fine
  43. OBRA of 1987 was established because
    it requires that nurse ais receive training and pass a competency exam within four months of employment in a skilled nursing facility
  44. violations of federal regulations of OBRA may lead to these (6)
    • loss of facility to provide CNA training
    • money penalties
    • directed in-services
    • denial of payment
    • state monitoring
    • termination of facility license
  45. the complete CNA training course requirements (5)
    • min 53 hours of mandatory theory
    • 103 hours of clinical training at a nursing facility
    • content of course must cmply with title 22 and OBRA
    • students who are employees must be paid hourly while in training
    • criminal screening prior to clinical training
  46. certification of cna renewal requirements (2)
    • complete DHS renewal application
    • complete 48 hours of approved continuing education every 2 years
  47. function of the nurse practice act (3)
    • defines RN an LVN and their scope of practice
    • defines RN and LVN education and licensing requirements
    • protects the public from persons practicing nursing without a license
  48. OBRA requires 75 hours of instruction and at least 16 hours of practical training
  49. OBRA requires nursing assis registry in each state and there is an official record of those people and their info and they can be accessed by any health care agency
  50. 4 reasons behind losing certification, license, or registration for CNA
    • substance abuse
    • fraud
    • stealing
  51. rules for CNAs (8)
    • assis nurse
    • nurse asigns work
    • report patient changes
    • you dont make decisions
    • review care plan prior to patient care
    • perform tasks trained to do
    • ask nurse to supervise yu
    • perform tasks allowed by job desp and state
  52. Role limits of a CNA (8)
    • never give drugs
    • never insert or remove objects from body
    • never take oral or phone orders from doc
    • never perform procedures requiring sterile tech
    • never tell personor family of diagnosis or treatment plans
    • never supervise others CNAs and persons
    • never ignore a request
  53. RNs delegate tasks to you and no one else. If the RN delegates  the task, the RN is responsible for that task
    RN supervises the LVN so any tasks delegated by the LVN to the CNA makes the RN responsible
  54. delegate decisions must result in the best care for the person
  55. 4 steps of the delegation process
    • assessment/planning
    • communication
    • surveillance/supervision
    • evalution and feedback
  56. assessment and planning of delegation (2)
    • nurse collects info about person's needs and your skills and knowledge
    • nurse decides if it is safe to delegate task
  57. communication of delegation (4)
    • you and nurse discuss task
    • nurse makes sure you understand directions
    • you communicate Q, concerns, and progress to nurses
    • report and record care
  58. surveillance and supervision of delegation (2)
    • nurse observes, confirms tasks are completed correctly, and monitors the person's response
    • nurse follows up on problems and concerns
  59. evaluation and feedback of delegation (3)
    • nurse decides if delegation was successful
    • nurse makes changes about possible changes in the persons care
    • nurse provides feedback on how you complete the task
  60. 5 rights of delegation
    • the right task
    • the right circumstances
    • the right person
    • the right supervision
    • the right direction and communication
  61. accepting: when you agree to perform a task you are responsible for your own actions. You must complete the task safely and ask for help if unsure
    refusing: you have the right to say no if it goes against what you know, were taught, cause harm, no nurse for supervision
  62. abuse
    willful infliction of injury, confinement, intimidation, or punishment that results in physical harm or pain
  63. assault
    intentionally attempting or theatening to touch a persons body without their consent
  64. battery
    touching a body without their consent
  65. boundary sign
    acts behaviors or thoughts that can be considered boundary crossing
  66. boundary violation
    act that meets your needs not theirs
  67. civil law
    laws concerned with relationships between people
  68. code of ethics
    rules for group members to follow
  69. ethics
    knowledge of what is right conduct and wrong
  70. intimate partner violence
    a type of abuse or harm caused by a current or former partner
  71. invasion of privacy
    violating persons rights to not have their name or photo taken without consent
  72. libel
    making false statements in print, writing, pics, social media, etc
  73. malpractice
    neg by professional person
  74. neglect
    failure of responsible persons to provide protection from vulnerable elder
  75. professional boundary
    that which separates helpful behaviors from behaviors that are not helpful
  76. professional sexual misconduct
    an act or behavior or comment that is sexual in nature
  77. protected health info
    identifying info and info about the persons health
  78. self neglect
    a persons behavior or way of life that is threatening to their well being
  79. slander
    making false statements through spoken word or gestures
  80. defamation
    injuring persons name and reputation by making false statements to a third person
  81. standard of care
    skills, care, and judgments required by a health team member under similar conditions
  82. vulnerable adult
    a person 18 y.o.or older who has a disability or condition that makes them more prone to being attacked
  83. boundaries create a helpful zone, if you're under involved (3)
    • disinterest
    • avoidance
    • neglect
  84. bondary violations include (3)
    • abuse
    • giving a lot of info about self
    • keep secrets with person
  85. standards of care come from (7)
    • law
    • texts
    • agency policy books
    • manufcturers instructions
    • job description
    • approval and acred agency
    • standards and guidelines from gov agencies
  86. defamation sub terms
    • libel - false statements in print
    • slander - making false statement verbally
  87. electronic communications  rules (2)
    • do not contact patient outside of work
    • dont use electronic comm to share or discuss workplace issues
  88. consent if informed when the person understands (7)
    • reason for procedure
    • what will be done
    • how it will be done
    • who will do it
    • expected outcomes
    • other treatment options
    • effects if no treatment
  89. 8 forms of elder abuse
    • physical
    • neglect
    • verbal
    • involuntary seclusion
    • financial explotation/misappropriation
    • emotional/mental
    • sexual
    • abandonment
  90. involuntary seclusion
    confining a person to a certain area
  91. financial explotation
    using someone elses money for your benefit
  92. types of child abuse and neglect (6)
    • physical
    • neglect
    • sexual
    • emotional
    • substance
    • abandonment
  93. 4 types of neglect child
    • physical - provide food or shelter
    • medical - dont provide medical needs
    • educational - failure to educate children
    • emotional - not meeting the childs needs for affection
  94. 5 types of sexual abuse child
    • rape/sexual assault
    • molestation
    • incest
    • child porn
    • child prostitution
  95. emotional abuse child
    injuring child mentally of their self worth. constant criticism and rejection
  96. substance abuse for child (7)
    • make sub in presence of child
    • make sub in area occupied by child
    • allowing child to be present when equipment to store or sell sub is aroun
    • sell sub to child
    • use sub that impares caregiver to care for child
    • expose child to supplies for sub
    • expose child to drug related activities
  97. types of intimate partner violence (4)
    • physical
    • sexual
    • threats of physical or sexual violence
    • psychological and emotional violence
  98. 3 type of sexual violence
    • physical force to engage person in sex
    • sex act with person unable to understand act or unable to decline
    • abusive sex conact
  99. 8 examples of psychological and emotional violence
    • humiliation
    • controlling actions of victim
    • keep info from victim
    • denying victim access to basic needs
    • stalking
Card Set
module 1 chpt: 1 3 4 5 6 8
module 1 chapters: 1,3,4,5,6,8