Glucose Levels
- Fasting 70 - 100
- Casual <200
- Critical <50 to 400
Sx of low blood sugar
- Confusion
- Palpitations
- Shakiness
- Diaphoresis
- Hunger
Sx of high blood sugar
- Frequent urination
- Increased thirst
- Blurred vision
- Fatigue
- Headache
How to treat hypoglycemia
- It's best to avoid refined sugar. Instead:
- Nuts
- Peanut butter
- Whole wheat bread
- Cheese
- Fruit
Hgb A1c
- Hemoglobin A1c
- Also called Glycosylated hemoglobin
- Measures how much glucose is stuck to RBC's
- It can also tell how well a pt's diabetes has been controlled in the last 2-3 months
Hgb A1c normal range
4 - 5.9%
Ideal for diabetics is less than 7%
Normal range for hemoglobin
Men: 14 - 18 g/dL
Women: 12 - 16 g/dL
Why would hemoglobin be tested?
- Test or monitor anemia
- Also test or monitor for polycythemia vera, which is a slow growing blood cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many RBC, causing blood to be too thick
What can make hemoglobin high?
- Can happen if living at higher altitude
- Smoking
- Polycythemia vera
Recall hematocrit
Blood test that determines the percentage of RBC in the blood
Normal ranges for hematocrit
Men 38 - 50%
Women 35 - 45%
Why would hematocrit be ordered
Measures the proportion of RBC in the blood in order to diagnose certain diseases
Hematocrit to hemoglobin ratio
three to one
Normal range for platelets
150 K - 450 K
Why would platelets be ordered
Monitor for formation of clots and risk for bleeding
What if platelets are low
- Will have frequent bruising and/or bleeding
- Could be Thrombocytopenia, which is a condition where you don't have enough platelets.
What if platelets are high
- Thrombocytosis (condition where your body produces too many platelets)
- Blood clot formation in legs and arms, can lead to MI or stroke
- Is a chemical waste generated from muscle metabolism
- Is transported through bloodstream to kidneys, which filter out most of it and dispose of it
- Ordered to assess kidney function, done by blood test
Creatinine values
0.5 - 1.5 mg/dL
Sx of high creatinine
- feeling dehydrated
- fatigue
- edema
- confusion
- N/V
*couldn't really find low s/s
Recall BUN
- Blood urea nitrogen
- measures the amount of urea nitrogen in your blood
- reveals important info about how well your kidneys and liver are working
Don't by blood draw
BUN value range
10 - 20 mg/dL
Sx of low BUN
- Jaundice ~ liver failure
- N/V ~ liver aint working to break down protein
- Muscle aches ~
- Pain ~
- Diarrhea ~ "low on urea"
Sx of high BUN
- High BP
- Fatigue but insomnia
- fog brain
- bone pain
Total cholesterol
- <200 is desirable
- 200 - 239 mg/dL is borderline high
- 240 and above is high risk
Taken to identify pt's at risk for ateriosclerotic heart disease
How do we test for pH
ABG blood test
sx of low pH
- Acidosis, occurs when kidney's and lungs cant keep pH in balance
- *If you have a low pH, this means you have a high concentration of hydrogen (H+) ions
- Sx include:
- fatigue
- confusion
- HA
- rapid, shallow breathing!
sx of high pH
- Alkalosis*If your pH is high, you have a low concentration of hydrogen (H+) ions
- tremor
- muscle twitching, spasm
- numbness
What is difference between PaO2 and SaO2
PaO2 is partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood in mmHg measurement.
SaO2 is arterial O2 that is saturated on RBC
35 - 45 mm Hg
<35 is Alkaline
>45 is Acidic
Recall what PaCO2 is
- Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood.
- Carbon dioxide is the respiratory parameter.
*Because CO2 will combine with water in blood and form carbonic acid, it is considered an acid.
What happens when PaCo2 is high
- When PaCO2 levels are abnormally high (like COPD), pH drops which means it goes acidic
- Respiratory acidosis results
What happens if PaCO2 is low?
- This can be triggered by hyperventilation for instance...
- Causes pH to rise cause your blowing off too much CO2, becoming alkaline
- Leads to respiratory alkalosis
Normal range for HCO3
22 - 26 mEq/L
<22 is Acidic
>26 is Alkaline
Recall what HCO3 is
- Bicarbonate, which is the alkaline substance in extracellular fluid
- It's the metabolic parameter
In the blood, HCO3 - slowly binds with free H + to reduce it's concentrations
What if HCO3 levels increase?
- The pH will rise since HCO3 is an alkaline substance
- Metabolic alkalosis develops
What is HCO3 levels decrease?
- The pH will drop (since HCO3 is alkaline) and will become acidic
- Metabolic acidosis develops
What happens when the body compensates for an imbalance
- The body strives to maintain a normal pH
- Metabolic and respiratory processes must work together to keep hydrogen ion levels normal and stable
To diagnose an acid-base imbalance, what three questions do you ask yourself?
- 1. Does the pH indicate acidosis or alkalosis?
- 2. Is the cause of the pH imbalance respiratory or metabolic?
- 3. Is there compensation for the imbalance?
Causes of respiratory acidosis
- hypoventilation, may be related to:
- drug overdose
- airway obstruction
- chest trauma
Causes of respiratory alkalosis
- Hyperventilation, may be related to:
- anxiety
- high altitude
- Pregnancy
- Initial stage of PE
Causes of metabolic acidosis
- diarrhea
- renal failure
- shock
- sepsis
Causes of metabolic alkalosis
- Prolonged vomiting
- Overuse of antacids
- Potassium-wasting diuretics