1. Diaphragm
  2. During inspiration:
    • 1) the diaphragm flattens
    • 2) the thoracic cage expands
    • Intercostal muscles
    • stiffen the chest wall, antagonizing the action of the diaphragm.
  3. Innervation of Diaphragm (GSE)
  4. True Pelvis
    • Below Pelvic Brim
  5. False Pelvis
    • Above Pelvic Brim
  6. The narrowest point in the pelvic
    outlet is :
    • the distance between the ischial spines.
  7. Difficulties in deliveries occur when
    • the distance between spines is too
    • small, ie. 9.5 cm

  8. Lithotomy
  9. The pelvic outlet is spanned by two diaphragms
    • -urogenital diaphragm spans the urogenital triangle
    • -These diaphragms separate the pelvic cavity from the perineum
    • -pelvic diaphragm spans the anal triangle

  10. Functions of The Pelvic Diaphragm
    • Functions
    • 1. support pelvic organs
    • 2. increase intra-abdominal/pelvic pressures
  11. When the Pelvic Diaphragm contracts
    • -When they contract, they flatten decreasing the volume of the abdominal/pelvic
    • cavities & increasing the pressure of the abdominal/pelvic cavities
  12. Contraction of abdominal muscles increases intra-abdominal
    pressure in the Valsalva maneuver which is necessary for voiding contents like"



  13. Puborectalis (Levator Ani)
    • Origin:pubic bone
    • Insertion: rectum
    • innvervation: S3 and S4
    • Action: support pelvic organs increase intra-abdminal pressure
  14. Pubococcygeus ( Levator ani)
    • Origin:pubic bone
    • Insertion: coccyx
    • innvervation: S3 and S4
    • Action: support pelvic organs increase intra-abdminal pressure
  15. Iliococcygeus
    • Origin:illium
    • Insertion: coccyx
    • innvervation: S3 and S4
    • Action: support pelvic organs increase intra-abdminal pressure
  16. (ischio) coccygeus
    • Origin:Ischial spine
    • Insertion: coccyx
    • innvervation: S4 and S5
    • Action: support pelvic organs increase intra-abdminal pressure
  17. Relaxation of the puborectal sling allows
    • the rectum to straighten and the feces
    • to drop down for defecation
  18. Kinking of the anorectal junction
    holds feces in
  19. Which muscle is most frequently torn during childbirth
    -The pubococcygeus is the muscle most frequently torn

    • -Tearing of the pubococcygeus results
    • in fecal incontinence
  20. Episiotomy
    • before child birth episiotomy is performed to prevent tearing of the vaginal muscles
  21. endopelvic fascia
    Superior to the pelvic diaphragm

    • Condensations of the endopelvic fascia provides passive support to the pelvic organs
Card Set
Origins Insertions and general info