A&PII Midterm: Lymphatic System and Immune Response

  1. The lymphatic system consists of a network of lymphatic ____, tissue, ____, and other lymphoid ____.
    • Vessels 
    • Lymph nodes 
    • Organs
  2. What are the functions of the lymphatic system?
    • Transport lymph fluid to blood vessels
    • Protect body from foreign material by providing a "home" for the immune system
  3. Lymphatic _____ pick up the leaked fluid (water and dissolved proteins) and carry it through lymphatic collecting vessels to lymphatic trunks.
  4. _____- drains lymph from the right upper extremity, head, and thorax delivered by the jugular, subclavian and bronchomediastinal trunks.
    Right lymphatic duct
  5. _____ - receives lymph from the rest of the body other than the areas covered by the right lymphatic duct.
    Thoracic duct
  6. Both main ducts empty the lymph into ____ circulation on their respective sides of the body
  7. Lymph is filtered by _____. If bacteria or abnormal cells appear, macrophages destroy it and any foreign matter.
    lymph nodes
  8. Lymphatic system is a ____ system and carries lymph towards the heart.
  9. _____-swelling in the tissues that occurs when fluid remains in the tissues
  10. Lymphoid Organs: thymus, lymph nodes, _____, tonsils, _____, and bone marrow
    • spleen
    • appendix
  11. Primary lymphoid organs?
    bone marrow & thymus
  12. Secondary lymphoid organs?
    lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils & appendix
  13. _____ - is a systemic response that protects us from bacterial and viral infections, toxins and cancer. If this system fails, the body is devastated by pathogens.
    -immune response
  14. Most important characteristics of the immune response are . . .

    Name the 3.
    • Memory 
    • Specificity 
    • Ability to differentiate self from nonself.
  15. antigen- anything that has the capability to provoke an _____.
    Immune response
  16. _____- the inability of the immune system to distinguish self from non-self, are own tissues are attacked by the immune system.
  17. _____-event indicated by the appearance of specific cell-surface proteins which enables immune response.

    **after differentiation, B and T cells enter the blood stream where clonal selection occurs. -clonal selection is triggered when an antigen binds to the surface receptors of a B or T cell.
    • Top to bottom:
    • Follicles
    • Trabecula
    • Subcapsular Sinus
    • Top to bottom: 
    • Capsule 
    • Medullary Cords 
    • Medullary Sinuses
    • Left: Hepatic Lymph Nodes 
    • Right: Cisterna Chyli
    • Top: Thoracic Duct
    • Bottom: Peyers Patches
    • Top: Cervical Lymph Nodes 
    • Middle: Axillary Lymph Nodes 
    • Bottom: Right Lymphatic Duct
    • Top: Thoracic Duct
    • Bottom: Bronchial Lymph Nodes
    • Top to Bottom:
    • Capsule 
    • White Pulp
    • Red Pulp
    • Top to Bottom: 
    • Capsule
    • Splenic Cords 
    • Arterioles and capillaries 
    • White pulp
    • Splenic Artery
    • Top to Bottom: 
    • Trabecula 
    • Splenic Sinusoids 
    • Red Pulp
    • Central Artery 
    • Splenic Vein
  18. As the heart contracts, blood is pumped into:

    Largest arteries, smaller arteries, _____, capillaries, _____, Smaller veins, and largest veins.
    • Arterioles 
    • Venules
  19. d
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A&PII Midterm: Lymphatic System and Immune Response
Review on pre-labs