ITDS 1156 Worlds Music Test 1

  1. Romania:
    Ritual songs and dances were used to celebrate_____________. The _______was one such song performed by men who traveled to different homes to bless livestock, the home, or family members.
    • calendrical- and life-cycle events
    • koleda
  2. bulgaria:
    ritual song performed by men who traveled to different homes to bless livestock, the home, or familey members
  3. Bulgaria's ______________ was futher preserved and developed with the help of the __________ topographgy which made contact between villages _________.
    • cultural diversity
    • mountainous
    • difficult
  4. Bulgaria:
    epic songs
    often contained hundreds of lines so that songs were often improvised to a few similar, non-metrical melodies
  5. Bulgaria:
    historical ballads
    told of the deeds of rebel fighters who attacked Ottoman brigades
  6. what are the fourn main instruments used in Bulgaria?
    • 1) kaval
    • 2) tasafara
    • 3) duduk
    • 4) gayda
  7. Bulgaria:
    Instrumental and vocal music was mostly_____ except for the music of ______ where diaphony was popular.
    • monophonic
    • Western
  8. In Bulgarian voval music, voice color and blend are important to the point where women's voices are classified in two ways: _______/___________ or ____________/____________
    • chist/piskliy
    • debel/mazhen
  9. In Albania, social gatherings were segregated between ______ and ____.
    males and females
  10. Sounthern Albania performed music in a variety of ____ ______ whereas Northen Albania was mainly ____________.
    • polyphonic style
    • monophonic
  11. Southern Albania style
  12. Northern Albania style
  13. Albania:
    a lengthy historical song that often includes fantastical elements
  14. Albania:
    Two style of ritual music
    • Lab
    • Tosk
  15. Albania:
    The Lab
    ritual song
  16. Albania:
    The Tosk
    ritual song
  17. Romania:In regards to ____ everyone may sing, but only in certain circumstances, depending on _______,__________, and ______.
    • traditional music
    • age
    • gender
    • marital status
  18. Romania
    Depending on the function it performs, Romanian music divides into what two styles?
    • non-occasional
    • ritual music
  19. Romania:
    how many genres use the anhemitonic pentatonic system and its variants?
  20. what genres use the anhemitonic pentatonic system and it variants?
    • 1) lyric song
    • 2) lament
    • 3) colind
    • 4) other ceremonial songs
  21. Romania:
    the lyric song is characterized by what?
    the number of its potential functions including the number and diversity of situations in which it may be performed
  22. Romania:
    The _______ ___________ may become independent of the choreography of the dance and assume the functions of a _______ ____________.
    • dance melody
    • lyric song
  23. Romania:
    What are the instruments of local origin?
    • 1) bucium
    • 2) cimpoi
    • 3) fluier
    • 4) dramba
    • 5) buhai
  24. Bosnia:
    Rural Music
    the oldest and most conservative in the entire region
  25. Bosina:
    The most numerous ritual forms of music were?
    wedding songs
  26. Bosina:
    how were wedding songes performed?
    by either men or women but always separetely
  27. Bosina: Aerophones
    the most common type of instruments used in pastoral culture for improvisation
  28. Bosnia:
    Aerophones were the _______ common type of ______ used in the ___________ culture for _________.
    • most
    • instrument
    • postoral
    • improv
  29. The five most common instruments in Bosnia are?
    • 1) svirala
    • 2)dvojnice
    • 3) gusle
    • 4)diple
    • 5) tambura
  30. Bosina:
    _________________ ______________ was the first musical genre of an Islamic-Oriental character to serve as a basic model for the development of Bosnian Muslim Music
    Religious Chant
  31. Traditional/folk music began to be collected systematically in the last quarter of the _________ century.
    The major collector was _________, a gifted ethnographer, scholar, and composer.
    • 19th
    • Komitas
  32. Armenia:
    • collector of Armenian folk music started in the 19th century
    • was a gifted ethnographer, composer, and scholar
  33. Armenia:
    The purpose of __________ is to stimulate work and enliven the ploughmen and the working animals
  34. Armenia:
    used to stimulate work and enliven the ploughmen and the working animals
  35. Armenia:
    Many lyrical songs are ____________ ____________, and they use a flowing style known as _________ that is developed within a narrow range.
    • love songs
    • cantilena
  36. Armenia:
    flowing style developed within a narrow range
  37. Armenia:
    Dance songs known as________ were the most widespread genre of peasant music
  38. Armenia:
    What are the seven main instruments used?
    • 1) dhol
    • 2) duduk
    • 3) kamancha
    • 4) kanon
    • 5) parkapzuk
    • 6) t'ut'ak
    • 7) zurna
  39. Armenia:
    The _____ included tellers of tales, singers, instrumentalist, male and female dancers, comedians, and tragic actors
  40. Armenia:
    Gusanner included?
    tellers of tales, singers, instrumentalist, male and female dancers, comedians, and tragic actors
  41. Armenia:
    The ________ are verses compsed in the 'Armenian' meter
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ITDS 1156 Worlds Music Test 1
study guide for test 1