top brain
bottom brain
Broca's area
- frontal lobe- production of language
- damage--> aphasia (language difficulty)
3 main divisions of brain
- medulla- behavior
- cerebellum- smooth movement, posture, balance
reflexes to visual & auditory cues
- cerebral cortex
- subcortical- below cortex
- perception, cognition, emotion, social, recognition
brain stem
- medulla, pons, midbrain
- suvival functions: breathing, swallowing, urination
basal ganglia
- movement, reward
- damage-->Parkinson's disease- depleted dopamine
4 Fs (fighting, fleeing, feeding, fucking)
- learning & memory formation
- damage--> amnesia
processing emotional info & triggering emotional response
limbic system
amygdala & hippocampus
cerebral cortex
- wrinkly- maximize SA:volume
- gray matter = nerve cells
Right hemisphere
- spatial awareness
- damage--> hemineglect- fail to notice anything on left side
corpus callosum
connection of LH & RH
parietal lobe
- touch, spatial awareness
- damage--> hard time grasping
temporal lobe
- hearing, memory
- damage--> agnosia- cannot recognize objects
- damage--> aphasia- cannot understand talking & cannot talk
frontal lobe
- thought, planning, movement
- damage--> autism
- Phineas Gage- rod damage caused personality changes
motor cortex linked to somatosensory cortex
- specific areas of cortex will amplify based on experience
- ex. phantom limb
somatosensory homunculus
- adjacent points on skin = adjacent in cortex
- some areas on skin have more cortex area