Vital signs

  1. Where is the body temperture maintained
    by the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus
  2. Factors affecting the body temporature
    • Circadian rhythms
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Stress
    • environmental temp
  3. What is circadian rhythms
    the wake sleep cycle
  4. What is pyrexia
  5. what is febrile
    increase body temp/fever
  6. what is afebrile
  7. What is hyperpyrexia
    temp above 105.8
  8. Ways to take temp
    • Oral
    • Axillary
    • Rectal
    • Tempanic
  9. Normal temp range for adult and infants
    96.8 - 100
  10. What is pulse
    wave of blood created by contraction of the left ventricle of the heart
  11. What fingers are used to access the pulse
    Three middle fingers
  12. What are you looking for in a pulse
    Rate = number of beats

    Rhythem = Pattern

    Volume = Strenght
  13. How long do you take pulse
    30 sec. x 2
  14. Normal pulse range
    Adults 60 - 100

    Infants 70 - 90
  15. Factors that affect the pulse
    • Exercise
    • Temp
    • Emotion
    • Drugs
    • Hemorrhage
    • Postural change
  16. What happens when you sit up too fast
    Orthostatichypotention - a decrease in bp an increase in pulse due to posture chage
  17. What does digoxin do
    Slow heart rate down but make heart beat stronger
  18. What are the pulse sites
    • Temporal
    • Carotid
    • Apical
    • Brachial
    • Radial
    • Femoral
    • Popiteal
    • Posterior tibial
    • Dorsalis pedis
  19. What is pulse deficit
    the difference between the apical and radial pulse
  20. What is observed with Respirations
    • Rate
    • Rhythem
    • Depth and character
  21. Normal range for respirations
    Adult 12 - 20

    Infant 30 - 80
  22. What is Eupena
    Normal respiration
  23. What is Bradypena
    Slow respirations
  24. what is apnea
    not breathing or without breath
  25. What is tachypena
    fast respirations
  26. How are the respirations controlled
    by the madulla oblongata
  27. Narcotics
    Never give if respirations are less than 12
  28. How long do you assess an apical pulse
    one full minute
  29. What are you observing with an apical pulse
    • Rate
    • Rhythm
    • volume
  30. Where is the stethoscope place for an apical pulse
    • 3 inches left of sternum and between the 4-6 intercostal space.
    • Under left nipple
  31. What is blood pressure
    The force of blood against arterial walls.
  32. Systolic pressure
    the highest pressure exerted on the arteries during contraction
  33. Diastolic pressure
    when the heart rest/relax between beats the pressure drops
  34. What is pulse pressure
    the difference between the systolic an d diastolic pressure
  35. What is normal blood pressure range
    140/90 high

    90/60 low
  36. Prehypertention range
    systolic 120-139

    dialstolic 80-89
Card Set
Vital signs
Vital signs week 2