Humanistic Therapies

  1. carl Roger
    1st therapist who uses the word client

    unrealisitc conditions of worth.
  2. Rogers's core principles
    * empathy
    * unconditional Positive Regard
    * Genuineness -( Authenticity)
    * active Listening
  3. empathy-
    The ability to understand and share another person' inner experience
  4. Unconditional Positive Regard-
    It refers to the nonjudgmental attitude and genuine caring that the therapist should have for the client.
  5. Genuinenss-(authenticity)
    It refers to the awareness of on's true inner though and feeling and being able to share them w/ others.
  6. Active Listening-
    Listening w/ total attention.
  7. Focus:
    Becoming more aware of disowned feelings & needs

    "Empty-chair" technique

    ** criticism of humanistic therapies is that they are hard to research-concepts are vague.
  8. use learning pricnples to change maladaptive behavior.

    To decrease the frequency of maladaptive behaviors and increase the frequency of adaptive behaviors.
  9. Classical Conditioning:
    E.g., systematic Desensitization - a gradual process oof associating a hierarchy of fear-evoking stimuli w/ deep relaxation.
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Humanistic Therapies
Behavior Therapies