Chapter 1

  1. Science
    Methods to observe, describe, predict, and explain behaviors
  2. Behavior (B.F. Skinner)
    Everything we do that can be directly observed
  3. Mental Process
    thoughts, feelings, and motives that cannot be directly obesrved
  4. Psychology
    study of behavior and mental process
  5. Critical Thinking
    thinking reflectively and productively, evaluating evidence
  6. + psychology movement
    push for a stronger emphasis on research involving the experiences in peoples values
  7. Structionalism( Wundt)
    feelings of the mind
  8. Fuctionalism ( James)
    purpose of mind and behavior
  9. Natural Selection
    characteristics that are best adapted to reproduce and survive
  10. Biological Approach
    behavior and mental process that focus on the body, especially the mind and nervous system
  11. Neuroscience
    study of functions, structure, development, genetics, and biochemistry of the nervous system.
  12. Cognitive Approach
    how we direct our attention, perceive, think, and solve problems
  13. Psycho dynamic ( Freud )
    emphazing the unconscious thought, the conflict between biological instinct and society's demands,and early family experiences
  14. Humanistic Approach
    emphasis a persons positives qualitys
  15. Evolutionary Approach
    survival of the fittest to determine human behavior
  16. Sociocultural Approach
    social and cultural environments influence behavior
  17. Psychopathy
    the study of mental illness
Card Set
Chapter 1
What is Psychology?