GER 102 CH 6 Verben

  1. hängen
    • to be (hanging)
    • when used w/a 2way prep, the object of the prep is in the dative case when describing location
    • to hang, to put/place
    • ~ accusative case when describing placement
  2. liegen
    • to be (lying)
    • when used w/a 2way prep, the object of the prep is in the dative case
  3. sitzen
    • to be (sitting)
    • when used w/a 2way prep, the object of the prep is in the dative case
  4. warten
    to wait
  5. stehen
    • to be (standing)
    • when used w/a 2way prep, the object of the prep is in the dative case
    • *can be used to say something has been stated (in print)
  6. legen
    • to lay, to put/place (in a lying position)
    • when used w/a 2way prep, the object of the prep is in the accusative case
  7. setzen
    • to set, to put/place (in a sitting position)
    • when used w/a 2way prep, the object of the prep is in the accusative case
    • * reflexive pronoun - Ich setze mich...
    • Wir setzen uns...
    • Er/Sie/Es/Sie setzten sich
  8. stecken
    • to put/place (inside); to be (inside)
    • when used w/a 2way prep, the object of the prep is in the accusative case
  9. stellen
    • to stand, to put/place (in an upright position)
    • when used w/a 2way prep, the object of the prep is in the accusative case
  10. lassen
    Lass uns (doch)...
    • to let
    • Let's...
  11. entschuldigen
    Entschuldigen Sie!
    • to excuse
    • Excuse me!
  12. bestellen
    to order
  13. bekommen
    Was bekommen Sie?
    • to get
    • What will you have?
  14. war (sein)
  15. hatte (haben)
  16. mussten (müssen)
    had to
  17. durften (dürfen)
    was allowed to
  18. konnten (können)
    was able to, could have
  19. mochten (mögen)
  20. sollten (sollen)
    was supposed to
  21. wollten (wollen)
    wanted to, planned to
Card Set
GER 102 CH 6 Verben
ch 6