that's english modulo 7 unit 7 dialogo

  1. You phone a charity to ask about
    • volunteering. Ask about:
    • who they help
    •  how funds are raisedif they support fair trade, recycling,
    • disabled people
    • any campaigns they have
    •  when and where they need help
  2. You work for Oxfam. Answer the questions
    from the caller. Use this information:

    Oxfam fights poverty in the world

    • Permanent projects: shops which reuse
    • and recycle donated goods and sell fair trade
    • products, regular donations from sponsors

    • Current campaign: music festivals in many
    • towns in Britain

    • Volunters needed:
    • In our shops – assistants (weekend work)

    • London area
    • In our offices – answering telephone enquiries
    • (mornings) Oxford

    • In our festivals - asking people to sign a
    • petition for Syria, preparing creative activities
    • to promote the campaign
  3. Do you support fair trade, recycling and disabled people?
    • and recycle donated goods and sell fair trade
    • products, regular donations from sponsors
  4. Current campaign: music festivals in many
    towns in Britain
  5. Volunters needed:
    In our shops – assistants (weekend work)
  6. London area
  7. In our offices – answering telephone enquiries
    (mornings) Oxford
  8. In our festivals - asking people to sign a
    • petition for Syria, preparing creative activities
    • to promote the campaign
  9. Hello. I’m phoning to ask for information about
    • volunteering with you.
    • Good morning.Yes, What would you like to know?
  10. what do you do?
    "Help people in need" is an amazing charity that help people all over the world, wherever there is poverty.
  11. How do you help them?
    • we try to reach as many people in need as posible in order to prevent people from  living on streets.
    • This non profit organization si committed to finding ways to help children who have suffered from domestic violence
  12. how do you raise yours funds?
    we have permanent projects to raise money some of them are known all over the wold as non-profil shops where we sells fair trades products and are running by volunteers who give their time for free.

    Every year we launch a special appeal on Christmas Day and People can donate money during the TV programe.

    and lots of people are committed to our cause
  13. Do you support fair trade, recycling and disabled people?
    we collect donated unwanted goods and Supermarket food a shortly before  the sell-by date of products and deliver to homeless shelters.

    with our current campaign we aim to provide a safe place for disabled people and people who suffer from domestic violence
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that's english modulo 7 unit 7 dialogo
dialogo información de voluntariado