
  1. line the alveoli ad can contract to cause milk to be secreted into ducts
    myoepithelial cells
  2. Milk formation begins during the last trimester through the 1st few days postpartum and the lactose and protein content increases
    Lactogenesis I
  3. begins 205 days after birth and the onset of copious milk secretion (aka milk comes in)
    Lactogensis II
  4. Milk composition becomes stable, begins about 10 days after birth
    Lactogensis III
  5. larger ducts for storage of milk behind the nipple
    Lactiferous sinues
  6. Hormone produced in the hypothalamus during letdown that causes milk to eject into the ducts
  7. Stimulates milk production, released in response to suckling
  8. Let down reflex
    Infant suckling-->hypothalamus-->releases oxytocin release from the pituitary-->contraction of the myoepithelial cells-->milk is released into the duct
  9. Colostrum is higher and lower in what?
    • Higher in protein
    • lower in CHO and fat
  10. Calories in human milk
    0.65 kcals/mL
  11. True/False: breast fed infants consume fewer calories than infants fed human milk substitute
    True, usually thinner at 8-11 months
  12. Fat content is higher in fore or hind milk?
    Hind milk
  13. What is the only thing affected by material diet?
    fatty acid profile in milk
  14. True/False: early consumption of cholesterol through breast milk appears to be related to lower blood cholesterol levels later in life
  15. Protein content in human milk
    0.32 g/oz
  16. Protein in milk that facilitates calcium absorption
  17. Protein concentrations depend on?
    age of infant (time since delivery)
  18. Prevents the bidding of pathogenic microbes such as E. coli in the gut-->preventing infection and diarrhea
  19. True/False: maternal exposure to sunlight has been reported to increase the vitamin D3 levels in milk tenfold
  20. Needs of vitamin D for infants and children
    400 IU/day
  21. Vitamin E in breast milk is adequate for all infants T/F
    FALSE, for full term infants but NOT pre term
  22. What is the most likely vitamin deficient in human milk?
  23. Which mineral in milk doesn't decrease over the first 4 months?
  24. High bioavailability minerals in milk
    Mg, iron, zinc and calcium
  25. True/False: exclusively breastfed infants have a high risk of anemia because of the low iron content of human milk

    very low risk despite the low iron content
  26. Which foods affect mother's milk the most
    garlic, mint, vanilla, alcohol
  27. True/False: insufficient milk production is common among women who express milk
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LC Exam 1 Material