Drivers of Market Globalization
- Worldwide reduction of barriers to trade and investment
- Market liberalization and adoption of free markets
- Industrialization, economic development, and modernization
- Integration of world financial markets
- Advances in technology, including communications, data, and engineering
Dimensions of Market Globalization
- Integration and interdependence of national economies
- Governments contribute by lowering trade and investment barriers
- Rise of regional economic integration blocs
- Free trade areas are formed by two or more countries to reduce or eliminate barriers to trade and investment, such as the EU, NAFTA, and MERCOSUR
- Growth of global investment and financial flows
- Associated with the rapid growth in FDI, currency trading, and global capital markets
- Convergence of buyer lifestyles and preferences
- Facilitated by global media, which emphasize lifestyles found in the U.S, Europe, or elsewhere
- Globalization of production activities
- Firms manufacture in low labor-cost locations such as Mexico and Eastern Europe
- Globalization of services
- Banking, hospitality, retailing, and other service industries are rapidly internationalizing
- Worldwide reduction of barriers to trade and investment
- Market liberalization and adoption of free market reforms in China and the former Soviet union
- Industrialization, economic development, and modernization
- Rising living standards have made such countries more attractive as target markets for sales and investment
The sequence of value-adding activities performed by the firm in the process of developing, producing, and marketing a product or a service
- Value chain
- Primary or support activities of firms that try to gain competitive advantage
Drivers of Market Globalization
- Integration of world financial markets. Enables firms to raise firms to raise capital, borrow funds, and engage in foreign currency transactions wherever they go.
- Advances in technology. Reduces the cost of doing business internationally, but allowing firms to interact cheaply with suppliers, distributors, and customers worldwide
Information and communications Technology (ICT)
- Profound advances have occurred in computers, digital technologies, telephony, and the internet
- MNEs leverage acts to optimize their performance, managing operations around the world
Societal Consequences of Market Globalization
- Contagion
- Loss of National Sovereignty
- Offshoring and the flight of jobs
- Effect on the poor
- Effect on the natural environment
- Effect on the national Culture
Rapid spread of monetary of financial crises
How does Market Globalization lead to loss of National Sovereignty?
- MNE activities can interfere with governments' ability to control of their own economies and social-political systems.
- To minimize harm and reap benefits, governments should ensure the freedom to enter and compete in markets, protect private property and enforce the freedom to enter and compete in markets, protect private property and enforce the law and support voluntary exchange through markets rather than political processes
How does Market Globalization lead to offshoring and the flight of jobs?
Jobs are lost as firms shift production of goods and services abroad, in order to cut costs and obtain other advantages.
What is Market Globalization's effect on the poor?
- In poor countries, it tends to disrupt local job markets. MNEs may pay low wages, and many exploit workers or employ child labor
- The benefits are not evenly distributed
- Example: Nike's Foreign Factories
What is Market Globalization's effect on the natural environment?
It harms the environment by promoting industrialization and other activities that generate pollution, habitat destruction, and other environmental harm.
What is Market Globalization's effect on the national culture?
It opens the door to foreign firms, global brands, unfamiliar products, and new values.
Stages in the Firm's Value Chain
- Research and Development
- Procurement (sourcing)
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Distribution
- Sales and service