How to be an IBHS superstar?
- Attend Every Lecture
- Arrive on time
- Participate
- Ask ?
- Arrive Prepared
- Be discreet
- Focus
- Be RespectfullBe Aware
e-mailing instructors (WILL B)
- e-mail the specific instructor, and include the 1 slide if ? on it
- if instructor doesn't respond in 48 hours, U may alert course coordinator
- FRI,SAT,SUN don't expect e-mail till Mon @ soonest(conflicts)
Seeking Assistance (WILL B)
- 1) Do Reading Assignments
- 2) Make appt w/lecturer
- 3) Free Tutors also Rho Chi
- 4) Study Techniques
- 5) Learning disabilities/Classroom accommodations
- 6) Counseling Services
- contact director of academic support
- accommodation letters
Honor Code
Article 4 Sect 1-8
- 1) Cheating: selling or giving answers (talking,text messages, gestures) refers to any SU assignment
- 2) Plagiarism-copying ideas,facts,data,thoughts of another w/o citing, misrepresenting work (copying directly, re-wording, submitting assignment that was previously submitted somewhere else for credit)
- 3) Falsification- knowingly lying verbally, electronically, or in writing, or any other deceit or fraud for academic or clinic work (lying about work, falsification of pt. record, MD order, or billing, misrepresenting a reference, falsifying data or citation, tampering with university paper or electronic record, falsifying attendance, false reasons for being absent or late for quizzes, exams or other assignments, obstructing an investigation, lying to honor court
- 4) Tampering with records
- 5) Forgery- imitating or counterfeiting documents, signature
- 6) Withholding info- failure to inform academic integrity reps, honor court, or faculty members of violations
- 7) Breach of confidence- inappropriate disclosure of honor code violations
- 8) Academic Theft- removal or mutilation of material to prevent others from having = learning opportunities
Powerpoint Lectures
- test ? will be from lecture
- ppts are DRAFTS
- prepare for lecture by doing assigned reading
Exam Process
- 1) arrive prior to exam-if late, request permission FIRST & no extra time granted.
- 2) keep track of own grades
- 3) when U hit submit, if grade doesn't show up, call over proctor IMMEDIATELY
- 4) nothing on desk or chair beside you
- 5) electronic devices turned OFF and in bag
- 6) desk space-laptop, paper distributed by instructors, and writing utensils
- 7) no hats or hoods
- 8) Raise your hand PRIOR TO submitting answers if you have ANY confusion about ?
Exam answer availability
- coordinator will alert u when answers available w/in 48 hours of exam
- outside room 200
- No copying otherwise (no photocopying, photo or anything else)
Exam ? and Answer Clarification
- 1) consult posted answers, lecture material, and readings
- 2) e-mail instructor w/in 48 hrs of posting of the answers to make appt
Make up policies for missed exams
- Unexcused = 0
- proper procedure is via Dr. K
- Make up may be DIFFERENT in format and/or length
Electronic Devices
- unauthorized use is not tolerated
- includes computers, cell phones, pagers, ipods, and pdas.
- instant-messaging, text-messaging, inappropriate internet browsing, playing games, talking on cell, e-mailing
- turn off audible notification
- may be asked to leave and report to ASSOC DEAN OF STUDENT AFFAIRS