number of photons absorbed by the detector; dependent on the physical properties of the detector face (e.g., thickness, material)
absorption efficiency
a solid phantom that contains four modules and is constructed primarily from a water-equivalent material. Each module is 4cm deep and 20 cm in diameter, with external aligment markings to allow centering of the phantom in the x, y, and z axes, and is used to measure different aspects of image quality
ACR CT accreditation phantom
rapid loss of renal function caused by damage to the kidney, resulting in retention of waste products that are normally excreted by the kidney.
acute renal failure (ARF)
detector rows that have variable widths and sizes. also called nonuniform or hybrid arrays
adaptive array
benign adrenal mass
adrenal adenoma
display functions that include multiplanar reformation and 3-d reformations
advanced display functions
a brief, persistent flash of scintillation that must be taken into account and subtracted before image reconstruction
air that enters the bloodstream and can occur during an IV injection. Small quantities of air can be absorbed by the body ; thus small they may never be detected if patients are asymptomatic. However, a large amount of air can cause seizures, permanent neurologic damage, or occasionally death. This is only the result of human error.
Air embolism
a precise set of steps to be performed in a specific order to solve a problem. They are the basis for most computer programming
artifacts that result from insufficient projection data; causing fine stripes that appear to be radiating from a dense structure
Converts the analog signal to a digital format
analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
life-threatening reactions; symptoms include substantial respiratory distress, unresponsiveness, convulsions, clinically manifested arrhythmia's, and cardiopulmonary arrest. the reactions require prompt recognition and treatment
landmark, such as the xiphoid or the iliac crest, used as a reference point when planning the scout image.
anatomic landmark
characterized by an individual standing erect, with palms of the hands facing forward. this position is used internationally and guarantees uniformity in descriptions of direction
anatomic position
technique that is used to dilate an area of arterial blockage using a catheter with a small, inflatable, sausage-shaped balloon at its tip
x-ray tube design includes a cathode, which emits electrons, and