Chapter 9 Science

  1. What is an air mass
    an air mass is huge volume of air responsible for types of weather, or a body of air that has about the same temperature and moisture throughout.
  2. What is the atmosphere
    mixture of gases that surrounds Earth, or a mixture of gases that surrounds the planet.
  3. What is climate
    The normal pattern of weather that occurs in an area over a long period of time, or the normal patter of weather in an area over many years.
  4. What is El Nino
    Periodic change in the direction of warm ocean currents across the Pacific Ocean, or a name given to a periodic change in direction of warm ocean currents across the Pacific Ocean
  5. What is a front
    Narrow region between two air masses that have different properties, or a body of air that has about the same temperature and moisture throughout.
  6. What is the mesosphere
    Layer of the atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere
  7. What is an ocean current
    Moving stream of water created by winds pushing against the ocean's surface
  8. What is the stratosphere
    Layer of the atmosphere above the troposphere and below the mesosphere
  9. What is the thermosphere
    The outermost layer of the atmosphere, above the mesosphere
  10. What is the troposphere
    Layer of Earth's atmosphere closet to Earth's surgace and containing about three-fourths of the atmosphere's gases
  11. Composition of Earth's air
    Nitrogen, oxegen, water vapor, argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, nitrogen and oxegen are about 90%
  12. Structure of the atmosphere
    troposphere, stratosphere, meosophere, thermosphere
  13. Mountain effect
    Most of Earth's water is in oceans. When water evaporates from oceans, it becomes water vapor in the air. The warm moist air rises and moves over land. Air that meets mountains are forced higher, where temperatues are colder. Cold air can hold less water than warm air can. So, the water condenses into tiny water droplets. The droplets form clouds that can drop rain or snow on one side of the mountain. This side which faces the wind is called the windward side. Some of the wettest places on Earth are the windward sides of mountains. When the air finally crosses to the other side of the mountain most of the water is gone. Dry winds sweep down this side of the mountain called the leeward side. These dry areas on the leaward slopes are called rain shadows. Desert climates are often in rain shadows. (evaporation, condensation, precipitation, dry air)
  14. Difference between weather and climate
    Weather:weather is the temperature and precipation on any day

    Climate:the normal pattern of weather in an area over a certain amount of time.
  15. Four main kinds of air masses and how they affect weather
    Maritime polar (mP), maritime tropical (mT), continental polar (cP), continental tropical (cT), mP and mT are responsible for fog and drizzle, cP and cT bring fair weather
  16. What happens when two air masses meet
    a front forms
  17. How ocean currents affect weather
    Warm currents move warm ocean water toward polar regions, cold currents move cold ocean water toward the equator
  18. What is radar, and why is it useful in forecasting weather
    a useful tool for observing and forcasting weather, so you can tell what the weather is gonna be like
  19. How to read a weather map
    By looking at the symbols and colors
  20. The four weather instruments in your textbook and what they measure
    Thermometer: temperature, anemometer: windspeed, barometer: air pressure, and rain gauge: amount of rain
  21. Compare and contrast land and sea breezes
    Contrast:a sea breeze flow from the water to the land, land breezes flow from the land to the water, or during night the land cools faster, and during the day the sea cools faster.

    Compare:They are both breezes
  22. compare and contrast warm and cold fronts
    Compare:warm front forms when warm air movesinto an area, cold front forms when cold air moves into an area, light rain: warm front, heavy rain: cold front

    Contrast: They are both fronts
Card Set
Chapter 9 Science
For test on Sept. 8th