
  1. 1-22 of chromosome pairs
  2. Numbers 23 & 24 chromosomes that are X & Y
    Sex chromosomes
  3. Protein wrapped around the centromere
  4. Two points of interphase that are periods for growth
    G1 and G2
  5. Phase of interphase where there is replication of the DNA.
  6. Average time for cell cycle.
    16-24 hrs.
  7. Checkpoint to see if the cell is big enough to go through division.
    G1-S checkpoint
  8. Checkpoint to see if replication has occurred and can undergo repair mechanisms if their is a problem.
    S-G2 checkpoint
  9. Checkpoint for chromosomal alignment and to see if spindle fibers are attached correctly to the kinectochore
  10. The 3 major events of prophase I and what step is different from regular prophase?
    • Chromosome condenses and coils.
    • Homologous pairs line up (different from prophase)
    • Crossing over occurs
  11. The name of the location where homologous pairs physically touch in prophase I.
    Chiasma (Chiasmata) pl.
  12. What 5 features makes a chromosome homologous to another chromosome?
    • Length of the chromosomes
    • Centromere placement
    • Same genetic activity potential
    • Same loci of genes
    • Diploid organisms only
  13. What are the steps of mitosis?
    Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
  14. If a cell starts interphase with X number of chromosomes and has the same number of daughter cells at the end what process occured?
  15. How are chromosomes arranged during metaphase?
    Lined up down the middle of the cell at the kinectochore.
  16. Meiosis I is also known as?
    Reductional division
  17. The physical exchange of genetic material and the process it is associated with.
    Crossing over that happens during prophase I of meiosis that is responsible for genetic diversity.
  18. Three characteristics of Meiosis II.
    • Equational division
    • Functionality identical to mitosis
    • Daughter cells are haploid
Card Set
mitosis, meiosis