What is intelligence?
The ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
How do we asses intelligence?
Intelligence test are used to asses an individuals mental aptitue and compare them to others using a numerical score
Binet and Simon
- French government said everyone had to go to school
- conducted naturalistic observation
- mental age vs chronological age
Mental age
A person's level of mental developmet relative to others
Chronological age
The average age at which children should succesfully answer a particular level of questions
mental age/ Chrolological age x 100
Factor Analysis
Statistical procedure conducted to identify clusters of groups or related items
Spearman theory of inteligence
- "g" factor- general intelligence (all cognitive abilities)
- "s" factor- task specific intelligence
Sternberg theory of inteligence
Triarchic theory of inteligence - Creative, Analytical and practical
Creative Intelligence (Sternberg)
- ability to tailor behavior to demands of context
- learn from experience
Analytical Intelligence (sternberg)
- Information processing skills
- analyzing a problem
Practical Intelligence (Sternberg)
- street smarts
- ability to cope with enviornment
- most important
Catell theory of inteligence
- two seperate forms of "g"
- Crystallized- factual knowledge, increases throughout life
- Fluid- visual/spatial intelligence, decreases throughout lifetime
Gardner theory of inteligence
- Multiple intelligences
- verbal/linguistic
- logical/mathematical
- visual/spatial
- musical
- bodily kinesthtic/movement
- intrapersonal
- interpersonal
- naturalistic
- esistentialist
Wechsler theory of inteligence
Created the test used to measure the itelligence of school childten - now IQ test
What does it mean for a test to be standardized?
ensures that testing procedures, instructions and scoring are identical
if a test measuers what it is supposed to measure
Content Validity
measures all knowledge/skills included in the domain
Face Validity
appears to look like it measures the right thing
Criterion Validity
when scores can be used to predict another relevant measure
Predictive Validity
Corrcectly predectis future performance or results
ability to be repeated
Split-half reliability
randomly dividing test into 2 = parts then determine the degree of similarity between scores
Test-retest method
compare scores for the same test given on two occasions
Parallel froms
similar but not identical test
Parts of a neuron
- Dendrites
- Cell Body
- Axon
- Axon Terminal
reach out, recieve and gather information from other neurons to try to make connections
Cell Body
- Soma
- Contains the nucleus and organelles
Single long fiber - extends from neuron carrying things away from it
Axon Terminal
send messages away to the next neuron
Endorphins (Neurotransmitters)
- body's natural painkillers
- produce feeling of euphoria
- bind to receptors that open gates, can keep neurons from firing
Acetycholine (Neurotransmitters)
involved in muscle movement, meory, attention, and emotion
GABA (Neurotransmitters)
inhibits anxiety, fear, worry
Oxytocin (Neurotransmitters)
important in experience of love nad bonding
Serotonin (Neurotransmitters)
- regulation of sleep, attention, mood, learning and appetite
- can be excitatory or inhibitory
- found in hindbrain
Dopamine (Neurotransmitters)
voluntary movement, sleep, mood, attention, sensation of pleasure
Norepinephrine (Neurotransmitters)
- stress relases it
- invloved in arousal & mood
- fight/flight
Alzheimers has been linked to...
low leves of acetylcholine
Schizophrenia has been linked to...
high levels of dopamine
Parkinsons has been linked to...
low levels of dopamine