o Turn Pattern
- Straight and level. Any heading, base altitude and normal or slow cruise
- Clear area. Turn either direction for 90° heading change using 30° AOB. Clear area (in other direction). Reverse Turn. Lead by 1/3 rule for 90° heading change at 30° AOB.
- Clear area. Reverse the turn leading by 1/3 rule and turn for 180° heading change using 45° AOB. Maintain altitude and airspeed with power and nose attitude; trim. Clear area (other direction) and reverse using 1/3 rule for 180° heading change using 45° AOB. Adjust nose attitude as necessary to maintain airspeed and altitude while rolling through wings level
- Clear area. Revers turn leading by 1/3 rule and turn for 360° heading change using 60° AOB. Adjust power and nose to maintain altitude and airspeed; trim. Clear area (other direction) and reverse turn leading with 1/3 rule. Hold slight forward stick to prevent ballooning. Reestablish attitude to maintain altitude; turn 360° using 60° AOB.
- Rollout on original heading using 1/3 rule. Hold slight forward stick to prevent ballooning.
- Reset power to the normal cruise power (as required), reset attitude and retrim for straight and level
o Level Speed Change
- Taught to familiarize with trim adjustments required with changes in airspeed, power setting, and configuration
- Sequence
- • Normal cruise (200 KIAS, Clean, 54%, 0°)
- • Downwind configuration (120 KIAS, GR↓, 31%, 4°↑)
- • Landing flap approach configuration (110 KIAS, GR↓ FL LDG, 50% 1°↑)
- • Norma cruise (200 KIAS, Clean, 54%, 0°)
- Procedures
- • Establish aircraft in normal cruise configuration (200 KIAS) on any numbered heading
- • Reduce power to IDLE. Trim for Deceleration (right/up).
- • When airspeed below 150 KIAS, lower landing gear
- • As airspeed approaches 120 KIAS, adjust power to ~31% to maintain 120 KIAS
- • Stabilize in downwind configuration (120 KIAS). Trim
- o Instructor may require practicing shallow turns to simulate pattern
- • Lower Landing flaps. As airspeed approaches 110 KIAS, advance power to ~50% and stabilize in landing flap approach configuration. Trim
- • Before Landing checklist
- • Advance power to MAX, check airspeed below 150 KIAS, and raise gear and flaps. Report “Gear up, flaps up at __ kts”. Trim for acceleration (left/down)
- • Accelerate to normal cruise. As airspeed approaches 200 KIAS, reduce power to ~54%.
- • Retrim as necessary and check balance ball centered
o Power-On stalls
- Aircraft pitch and bank angle held constant until control effectiveness is lost, indicated by uncommanded nose drop or unplanned rolling motion
- To recover, RELAX, MAX, LEVEL, BALL
- Procedure
- • Configuration: Clean, complete maneuver above 6,000 MSL
- • Checklist: Pre-stalling, spinning, and aerobatic checks
- • Clear Area: Visual scan, TCAS, and clearing turns as required
- • Straight ahead stall: PCL 30-60%, Nose pitch up between 15°-40°
- o Common technique is to use 30%, 30° up, ° up, 30° AOB
- • Maintain altitude by increasing back pressure. Wings level with coordinated rudder and aileron.
- • Initiate recovery when control effectiveness loss (uncommanded nose drop or rolling motion). Do not attempt to maintain pitch attitude or bank angle after control effectiveness is lost.
- o Full back stick may not occur before recovery is required.
- o Emphasize handling characteristics during recovery from stall and not the exact point where the full stall is reached
- • Recovery – simultaneously
- o RELAX back stick forces as necessary to break stall
- o LEVEL wings
- o CENTER ball (slip skid indicator)
- Avoid unnecessary or abrupt rudder movements during recovery
- AOA decreases and stall is broken, positive pressure is felt in controls.
- Lower attitudes (15-30°) stalls at higher speeds and regains flying airspeed faster.
- Higher attitudes (30-40°) stalls at lower speeds and greater pitch reduction is required to regain flying airspeed.
- • Use maximum AOA (14-17.9) to minimize altitude loss. Avoid secondary stall caused by attempt to hasten stall recovery without sufficient flying speed.
- • Recovery complete when wings level and positive rates of climb
o Landing pattern (approach turn stall
- Configuration: Downwind configuration (120 KIAS, gear down, flaps as required)
- Checklist: Pre-stalling, spinning, and aerobatic checklist & Before landing checklist
- Clear area: visual scan, TCAS, clearing turns as required
- Simulate transition near abeam position
- Power 14/15/18%, airspeed 120/115/110, trimmed in descending 30° AOB to simulate approach turn to final
- Once stabilized on airspeed in turn, raise nose 5-10° high
- Power IDLE
- Adjust ailerons to maintain AOB 20-45° and increase back stick pressure to hold pitch attitude
- Recover at first indication of stall
- • RELAX back stick pressure slightly
- • MAX Power
- • LEVEL wings, then positive climb attitude (14-17.9 AOA)
- • BALL right rudder to center ball
- Recovery complete when aircraft is wings level and safely climbing
o Landing Attitude stall
- Configuration: simulated final approach 5-10 knts above final approach speed for flap setting
- Checklist: Prestalling, spinning, aerobatics and before landing checklists
- Clear area
- Retard PCL to idle and execute simulated landing transition
- Hold attitude constant until approach to stall indication occurs
- Relax, Max, level ball
o Power-Off stall (ELP stall)
- Stall aircraft in power-off condition to demonstrate proper recovery with no power
- Procedures
- • Configuration: Clean configuration. Slow cruise (150 KTS) or IP discretion. Complete maneuver above 6,000 MSL
- • Checklist: Pre-stalling, spinning, and aerobatics checks
- • Clear Area: clear working area with visual scan, TCAS, and clearing turns as required
- • Roll wings level.
- • At or below 150 KIASs, reduce power to 4-6% and begin decelerating towards best glide (125 KIAS). If above 150 KIAS, reduce power to 4-6% and zoom/glide to capture best glide (125 KIAS)
- • Airspeed approaches 125 KIAS, lower nose to 125 KIAS glide attitude (horizon bisecting windscreen). Crosscheck VSI for 1350 – 1500 fpm. Trim and stabilize
- • Simulate High Key and lower landing gear; retrim for 120 knot glide and commence 15-20° AOB turn to low key. Complete before landing checklist
- • Raise nose to 5-10° high and allow airspeed to decay until first indication of impending stall (airframe buffet or stick shaker).
- • Maintain turn or profile ground track and recover by lowering pitch attitude to put prop arc on horizon (~8° nose low until 120 KIAS is regained.
- • Lose ~800 feet altitude
o Spin
- Taught to increase situational awareness and confidence in extreme unusual attitudes and out-of-control flight (OCF) conditions
- Progresses through phases:
- • post-stall gyrations
- o Recovery with Inadvertent departure from controlled flight
- • incipient spins
- o Recovery with inadvertent departure from controlled flight
- • steady state spins
- o Recover by using NATOPS erect spin recovery procedures
- Done with clearly defined horizon, clear of clouds.
- May be performed over an undercast layer that does not exceed 4,500 MSL
- Entry
- • Configuration: Slow Cruise (150, clean).Altitude – below 22,000 MSL and recovered before 10,000 MSL. Minimum 13,500 for entry
- • Checklist: Pre-stalling, spinning, and aerobatic checklist
- • Clear Area: Ensure area below is clear. Use TCAS “Below” to aid. Clearing turns and visually inspect
- • Roll out of clearing turn, reduce power to IDLE
- • At stick shakers, lead stall with slight amount of rudder in desired direction of spin (last half of clearing turn).
- • When aircraft stalls, smoothly apply full rudder in direction of spin. DO NOT USE AILERON IN ENTRY OR DURING SPIN
- • CALL Altitude, AOA, airspeed, turn needle deflection direction
- Recover
- • Incipient spin
- o Last approx. 2 turns
- o Upon recognizing incipient spin by stalled AOA, airspreed moving to steady state value (120-135), and turn needle fully deflected in direction of spin, initiate INADVERTENT DEPARTURE FROM CONTROLLED FLIGHT procedure
- If aircraft is not recovering, slowly feed in forward stick until neutral is reached and aircraft recovers
- • Steady-state spin recovery
- o Scan inside cockpit to verify sufficient altitude for recovery, stalled AOA, airspeed 120-135, and turn needle fully deflected in direction of spin
- o Initiate recovery by apply full rudder opposite spin.
- o Follow immediately with smooth, positive forward stick (forward of neutral)
- o Hold controls in place until rotation stops.
- o Recover by
- neutral controls
- level wings
- commence smooth pullout using sufficient G during pullout to maintain lower working area boundary.
- • Avoid secondary stall and do no exceed G limitations
- Continue pullout until nose is positioned to level flight
- o Check and report oil pressure (min 90)
- o Add power as requried