1. The broad ligament attaches...
    ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus to dorsolateral abdominal walls and later walls of pelvic cavity
  2. What are the regions of the broad ligament of the uterus?
    • mesovarium- ovary to dorsolateral abdominal wall
    • mesosalpinx- encloses ovary within small cavity (ovarian bursa)
    • mesometrium- cranial edge of uterine horn to bladder and colon and abdominal and pelvic walls
  3. Describe the attachments of the suspensory ligament.
    attaches ovary to abdominal wall (last rib- this is what you break to exteriorize ovary)
  4. Describe the attachments of the proper ligament of the ovary.
    attaches ovary to uterine horn (this is where you clamp to manipulate uterus; if you accidentally clamp uterus instead of proper ligament, you might accidentally break uterine tissue and lose your anchor)
  5. Describe the attachments of the round ligament of the uterus.
    at lateral surface of broad ligament from ovaries to inguinal canal
  6. Describe the blood supply to the ovaries.
    ovarian arteries from aorta (anastomoses with uterine artery)
  7. Describe the lymphatic drainage of the ovaries and uterus.
    lumbar lymph nodes
  8. What is the blood supply to the uterus?
    • ovarian and uterine arteries
    • ovarian and uterine branches of vaginal arteries
  9. Is there a documented difference between ovariectomy and ovariohysterectomy?
    • No documented differences in urinary incontinenece or pyometra if performed properly
    • faster surgery time for ovariectomy
  10. What are the landmarks for skin incision?
    umbilicus to second to last mammary gland OR 2/3 length to pubis
  11. How do you locate the uterus without a spay hook?
    • scoop jejunum away
    • uterus sits between bladder and descending colon
  12. How do you strum the suspensory ligament when trying to disrupt it to exteriorize the ovary?
    lateral to medial and cranial to caudal strumming (don't want to pull ovary away from aorta b/c you run the risk of breaking the vascular pedicle and causing hemorrhage)
  13. How do you avoid injury to the kidneys?
    never break any attachment b/w suspensory ligament and kidney
Card Set
vetmed SAOP2