a set of providers and services organized to deliver a continuum of care to a population of clients at a capitated cost in a particular setting
Skilled Nursing Facillity
offers extensive supportive skilled care from a licensed nursing staff until cllients are able to move back into the community or residential care
Respite Care
service that provides short term relief or time off for persons providing home care to an ill, disabled or frail older adult
Prospective Payment System (PPS)
eliminated cost based reimbursement using DRGs
Minimum Data Set (MDS)
a resource for determining the best type of interventions To support the health care needs of the long term care population
Managed care organization (MCO)
Provides comprehensive preventive and treatment services to a specific group of voluntarily enrolled persons
Staff model
Group model
Network model
Independent practice association(IPA)
Discharge Planning
begins the moment a client is admitted to a health care facility
plan of care that moves the client from the hospital to another level of health care
ensures the client has a plan for continuing care after leaving health care facility
Diagnosis-related groups (DRGs)
inpatient hospital services for Medicare clients
fixed reimbursement amount with adjustments based on case severity, rural/urban/regional costs and teaching costs
Critical Pathway
a multidisciplinary treatment plan that outlines the treatments or interventions clients need to have while in the hospital for a specific condition or procedure
providers received a fixed amount per client or enrollee of a health care plan