451 articulatory and phonological impairments

  1. m
    nasal, voiced, bilabial
  2. p
    bilabial, voiceless, stop
  3. ʃ
    Fricative, voiced, palatal
  4. h
    Fricative, glottal, unvoiced
  5. b
    stop, voiced bilabial
  6. j
    glide, voiced, palatal
  7. r
    liquid (rhotic) voiced palatal
  8. ŋ
    nasal, voiced, velar
  9. f
    fricative, voiceless, labiodental
  10. w
    glide voiced, bilabial
  11. v
    fricative, voiced, labiodental
  12. affricate, unvoiced, palatal
  13. Affricate, voiced, palatal
  14. s
    fricative, unvoiced, alveolar
  15. z
    fricative, voiced, alveolar
  16. t
    stop, unvoiced, alveolar
  17. d
    stop, voiced, alveolar
  18. θ
    Fricative, unvoiced, dental
  19. ð
    fricative, voiced, dental
  20. (w)
    glide, voiced, velar
  21. k
    stop, voiceless, velar
  22. g
    stop, voiced, velar
  23. n
    nasal, voiced, alveolar
  24. ʒ
    fricative, voiced, palatal
  25. l
    liquid, voiced, alveolar
  26. Diphthing production
    • change in articulatory posture
    • 1. tongue posture
    • 2. jaw posture
    • 3. lip opening, rounding, unrounding
  27. Phonemic Diphthongs
    • Distinguish meaning but cant be decreased to monothongs
    • ai, au, ɔɪ
  28. Non-phonemic Diphthongs
    • don't distinguish meaning and can be decreased to /e/ and /o/ monothongs
    • ei, ou
  29. consonants description
    • -place of articulation
    • -manner of production
    • -voicing
  30. monothongs
    pure vowels having a single sound quality
  31. diphthongs
    have a gradually changing articulation results in 2 resonances /or shift
  32. f1 frequency
    • Depends on size of aperature and pharyngeal cavity volume.
    • Large aperature and small pharyngeal cavities result in high freq. F1
  33. F2
    • frequency depends on volume of oral cavity, by tongue advancement
    • More front the tongue higher f2
  34. narrow Transcription
    exactly what person said [k]
  35. broad transcription
    • phonemes not related to how person said them
    • /r/ /k/
  36. progressive vs regressive
    • progressive- sound segment influences a following sound
    • regressive- sound segment influences preceding sound
  37. Assimilation
    one speech sound becomes similar/ identical to a neighboring sound segment
  38. Coarticulation
    effect neighboring sounds have on eachother
  39. approximates
    consonants with wide passage for airflow
  40. obstruents
    complete/ narrow constriction between articulator, hindering expiratory system
  41. distinctive features
    phonetic symbols that distinguish phonemes
  42. sound classes
    manner of production
  43. morpheme
    smallest linguistic unit that convey meaning
  44. allophone
    speech sound that is a variant of a phoneme
  45. phoneme
    smallest linguistc unit that is able to establish meaning
  46. phonological disorder
    impaired system of phonemes and phoneme patterns in spoken language
  47. phonology
    study of patterns of speech sounds in a language and pronunciation rules
  48. articulation disorder
    difficulty in motor production of speech or inability to produce speech sounds
  49. articulation
    motor processes involved in planning sequences of gestures that result in speech
  50. Parameters that affect formant frequencies
    • -Tongue height
    • -tongue anterior posterior
    • -tense or lax
    • -lip rounding
    • -rhotic non-rhotic
    • -nasality
Card Set
451 articulatory and phonological impairments
Quiz 1: Vowel and Consonant Review