The systematic study of social interaction at a variety of levels
Social interaction
The process by which we act toward and react to people around us
Systematic study of social interaction
Social behavior is regular and patterned and it takes place between individuals, in small groups, large organizations, and entire societies
C. Wright Mills
According to him our individual behavior is influenced by social factors--where and how others and we fit into the big picture
Sociological imagination
The intersection between individual lives and larger social influences
What does the sociological imagination emphasize?
The connection between personal troubles (biography) and structural (public and historical) issues
What does a sociological imagination help us understand?
The relationship between individual behavior and larger societal influences
What does the sociological imagination rely on in examining the social world?
Micro and macro-level approaches
What does microsociology concentrate on?
The relationships between individual characters
What does macrosociology examine?
Social dynamics across the breadth of a society
The study of small-scale patterns of individuals' social interaction in specific settings
The study of large-scale patterns and processes that characterize society as a whole
What is Macro, or "large", approaches especially useful in?
Understanding some of the constraints--such as economic forces, social movements, and social and public policies--that limit many of our personal options on the micro level
Social institution
A set of widely shared beliefs and procedures that meet a society's basic needs
Herbert Gans
Says that sociologists study everything
James White
Describes theories as tools that don't profess to know the truth but may need replacing over time as our understanding of society changes
Auguste Comte
- -Coined the term sociology
- -Father of sociology
- -Maintained that the study of society must be empirical
- -Saw sociology as the scientific study of two aspects of society: social statics and social dynamics
Information that is based on observations, experiments, or experiences rather than on ideology, religion, or intuition
Social statics
Investigates how principles of social order explain a particular society, as well as the interconnections between structures
Social dynamics
Explores how individuals and societies change over time
Harriet Martineau
- -English author
- -Emphasized the importance of systematic data collection through observation and interviews, and an objective analysis of records in explaining events and behavior
- -Published the first methodology text for sociology
- -Feminist and strong opponent of slavery
- -Denounced aspects of capitalism for being alienating and degrading
- -Critical of machinery that resulted in injury and death, particularly of women and children
- -Advocated women's admission into medical schools
- -Emphasized issues such as the care of infants, the rights of the aged, and the prevention of suicide and other social problems
- -Criticized religious institutions for expecting women to be pious and passive rather than educating them in philosophy and politics
Emile Durkheim
- -Agreed with Comte that societies are characterized by unity and cohesion because its members are bound together by common interests and attitudes
- -To be scientific sociology must study social facts
- -One of his central questions was how people can be autonomous and individualistic while being integrated in society
- -Showed the importance of testing theory empirically
Social facts
Aspects of social life, external to the individual, that can be measured
social solidarity
Social cohesiveness and harmony
Division of labor
An interdependence of different tasks and occupations, characteristic of industrialized societies, that produce social unity and facilitate change
Karl Marx
- -Often described as the most influential social scientist who ever lived
- -Maintained that economic issues produce divisiveness rather than social solidarity
- -The most important social changes reflected the development of capitalism
- -Saw industrial society as composed of three social classes: capitalists, petit bourgeoisie, proletariat
- -Believed that society is divided into the haves (capitalists) and the have-nots (proletariat)
- -Capitalism was a class system where conflict between the classes was commonplace and where society was anything but cohesive
- -Argued that there was a close relationship between inequality, social conflict, and social class
- -In industrial capitalist systems alienation is common across all social classes
- -Instead of collaborating, a capitalistic society encourages competition, backstabbing, and looking out for number one
An economic system in which the ownership of the means of production--like land, factories, large sums of money, and machines--is in private hands
The feeling of separation from one's group or society
Max Weber
- -Focused on social organization (Subjective understanding of behavior, and a value-free sociology)
- -Believed that a complete understanding of society must analyze the social organization and interrelationships among economic, political, and cultural institutions
- -Stressed the differences, rather than the similarities, between the natural and the social sciences
- -Posited that an understanding of society requires a "subjective" understanding of behavior
- -Described two types of verstehen (understanding), direct observational and explanatory understanding
- -Task of the teacher was to provide students with knowledge and scientific experience, and not to "imprint" the teacher's personal political views
Social research
Research that examines human behavior
A handing down of statements, beliefs, and customs from generation to generation
A socially accepted source of information that includes experts, parents, government officials, police, judges, and religious leaders
Why is sociological research important in our everyday lives?
- -It creates new knowledge that helps us understand social life
- -It exposes myths
- -It affects social policies
- -It sharpens our critical thinking skills
- -It helps us make informed decisions about everyday lives
Scientific method
The steps in the research process that include careful data collection, exact measurement, accurate recording and analysis of the findings, thoughtful interpretation of results, and, when appropriate, a generalization of the findings to a larger group
A characteristic that can change in value or magnitude under different conditions
A statement of a relationship between two or more variables that researchers want to test
Independent variable
A characteristic that determines or has an effect on the dependent variable
Dependent variable
The outcome, which may be affected by the independent variable
The consistency with which the same measure produces similar results time after time
The degree to which a measure is accurate and really measures what it claims to measure
Deductive reasoning
An inquiry process that begins with a theory, prediction, or general principle that is then tested through data collection
Inductive reasoning
An inquiry process that begins with a specific observation, followed by data collection, a general conclusion, or theory construction
Any well-defined group of people (or things) about whom researchers want to know something
A group of people (or things) that are representative of the population researchers wish to study
Probability sample
A sample for which each person (or thing, such as an e-mail address) has an equal chance of being selected because the selection is random
Nonprobability sample
A sample for which little or no attempt is made to get a representative cross section of the population
What is the most desirable feature of a probability sample?
The results can be generalized to the larger population because the people (or things) have had an equal chance of being selected through randomization
How are nonprobability samples useful?
When sociologists are exploring a new topic or want to get insights on how people feel about a particular topic before launching a larger study
Steps in the scientific method
- -Choose a topic to study
- -Summarize the related research
- -Formulate a hypothesis or ask a research question
- -Describe the data collection method(s)
- -Collect the data
- -Present the findings
- -Analyze and explain the results
Qualitative research
Research that examines non-numerical material and interprets it
Quantitative research
Research that focuses on a numerical analysis of people's responses or specific characteristics
A systematic method for collecting data from respondents, including questionnaires, face-to-face or telephone interviews, or a combination of these
The extent of the relationship between variables
Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI)
The interviewer uses a computer to select random telephone numbers, reads the questions to the respondent from a computer screen, and then enters the replies in precoded spaces, saving time and expense by not having to reenter the data after the interview
Advantages of surveys
- -Usually inexpensive
- -Simple to administer
- -Have a fast turnaround
Disadvantage of surveys
- -Response rate is low
- -Respondents may be self-reflected
- -Respondents offer unqualified opinions
- -Respondents lie
- -Respondents skip questions
Secondary analysis
Examination of data that have been collected by someone else
Field research
Data collection by systematically observing people in their natural surroundings
Collected at two or more points in time based on the same or different samples of respondents
Collected at one point in time
Advantages of Secondary analysis
- -Convenient
- -Inexpensive
- -Suitable in examining changes of behavior or attitudes by comparing similar populations during different years or following a particular group of people over time
Disadvantages of secondary analysis
- -Existing data sources may not have the information a researcher needs
- -May be difficult to gain access to historical materials
Participant observation
Researchers interact with the people they are studying, and may or may not reveal their identities as researchers
Nonparticipant observation
Researchers study phenomena without being part of the situation
Require a considerable amount of time in the field
Advantages of field research
- -Provides an in depth understanding of attitudes and behavior
- -Observation is more flexible
- -Researcher doesn't directly influence the subjects
Disadvantages of field research
- -Observation can be expensive
- -May encounter barriers to collecting the desired data
Content Analysis
A method of studying social behavior that systematically examines some form of communication
Advantage of content analysis
- -It is usually inexpensive
- -Sometimes less time consuming
- -Researchers can correct coding errors fairly easily by redoing the work -Unobtrusive
- -Often permits comparisons over time
Disadvantages of content analysis
- -Can be very labor intensive
- -Coding material is very subjective
- -Often reflects social class biases
A carefully controlled artificial situation that allows researchers to manipulate variables and measure the effects
Experimental group
The group of subjects in an experiment who are exposed to the independent variable
Control group
The group of subjects in an experiment who are not exposed to the independent variable
Advantages of experiments
- -Less expensive and time consuming
- -Subjects are usually readily available and don't expect much, if any, monetary compensation
- -Experiments can be replicated many times with different subjects
The learned and shared behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values, and material objects that characterize a particular group or society
A group of people who have lived and worked together long enough to become an organized population and to think of themselves as a social unit
Characteristics of culture
It is learned, transmitted from one generation to the next, shared, adaptive and always changing
Who creates culture?
What does culture reflect?
Who we are
Material culture
The tangible objects that members of a society make, use, and share
Nonmaterial culture
The shared set of meanings that people in a society use to interpret and understand the world
Anything that stands for something else and has a particular meaning for people who share a culture
A system of shared symbols that enables people to communicate with one another
The standards by which members of a particular culture define what is good or bad, moral or immoral, proper or improper, desirable or undesirable, beautiful or ugly
What are the major U.S. values?
- -Achievement and success
- -Activity and work
- -Humanitarianism
- -Efficiency and practicality
- -Progress
- -Material comfort
- -Freedom and equality
- -Conformity
- -Democracy
- -Individualism
A society's specific rules concerning right and wrong behavior
Norms that members of a society (or a group within a society) see as not being critical and that may be broken without severe punishment
Value free
Separating one's personal values, opinions, ideology, and beliefs from scientific research
Direct observational understanding
The social scientist observes a person's facial expressions, gestures, and listens to his/her words
Explanatory understanding
The social scientist tries to grasp the intention and context of behavior
Jane Addams
- -Co-founded Hull house (one of the first settlement houses in Chicago that served as a community center for the neighborhoods
- -Active reformer throughout her life
- -Leader in the woman's suffrage movement
- -First American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her adocacy of negotiating rather than waging war, to settle disputes
W.E.B. Du Bois
- -Spent most of his life responding to the critics and detractors of black life
- -First African American to receive a Ph.D. from Harvard University
- -Helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
- -Examined the oppressive effects of race and class
- -Described the numerous contributions of U.S. blacks to Western culture
- -Advocated women's rights
- -Played a key role in reshaping black-white relations in America
- -Grew out of the works of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim
- -Talcott Parsons and Robert K. Merton developed these earlier ideas of structure and function
- -A society is a system of major institutions such as government, religions, the economy, education, and the family
- -Herbert Spencer used an organic analogy to explain the evolution of societies
- -Each structure fulfills certain functions, or purposes and activities, to meet different needs that contribute to a society;s stability and survival
- -Useful in seeing the "big picture" of interrelated structures and functions
Conflict theory
- -See disagreement and the resulting changes in society as natural, inevitable, and even desirable
- -Some societal arrangements are functional
- -Sees society not as cooperative and harmonious, but as a system of widespread inequality
- -Important in explaining how societies create and cope with disagreements
Feminist Theories
- -Gender inequality is central to al behavior, from everyday interactions to organization structures and political and economic institutions
- -Liberal feminism emphasizes social and legal reform to create equal opportunities for women
- -Radical feminism sees male dominance in social institutions as the major cause of women's inequality
- -Global feminism focuses on how the intersection of gender with race, social class, and colonization has exploited women in the developing world
Define functionalism (structural functionalism)
An approach that maintains that society is a complex system of interdependent parts that work together to ensure a society's survival
Social patterns that a negative impact on a group or society
Manifest functions
Functions that are intended and recognized; they are present and clearly evident
Latent functions
Functions that re unintended and unrecognized; they are present but not immediately obvious
Define conflict theory
An approach that examines the ways in which groups disagree, struggle over power, and compete for scarce resources (such as property, wealth, and prestige)
Define feminist theories
Approaches that try to explain the social, economic, and political position of women in society with a view to freeing women from traditionally oppressive expectations, constraints, roles, and behavior
Define symbolic interactionism (interactionism)
A micro-level perspective that looks at individuals' everyday behavior through the communication of knowledge, ideas, beliefs, and attitudes
Action in which people take each other into account in their own behavior
Symbolic interactionism
- -Focus on process and keep the person at the center of their analysis
- -George Herbert Mead's proposal that the human mind and self arise in the process of social communication became the foundation of the symbolic and social psychology
- -Herbert Blumer coined the term symbolic interactionism
- -Emphasized that people interpret or define each other's actions instead of merely reacting to them, especially through symbols
- -Erving Goffman contributed significantly to these earlier theories by examining human interaction in everyday situations ranging from jobs to funerals
Disadvantages of Experiments
- -Becomes difficult to generalize from them to the outside world
- -Researchers must rely on volunteers, paid subjects, or a captive audience
- -Conclusions drawn form experiments may not be accurate
- -Attrition among the subjects may be very high
- -The members of experimental and control groups may communicate with each other about what's going on and behave differently as a result
- -Controlled laboratory settings are not suitable for studying large groups of people
Evaluation research
Research that uses all of the standard data collection techniques to assess the effectiveness of social programs in both the public and the private sectors
Advantages of evaluation research
- -Examines actual efforts to deal with social problems
- -Collection costs are usually low
- -Valuable to program directors or agency heads
Disadvantages of evaluation research
Practitioners rarely welcome the results of evaluation research if a sociologist concludes that a particular program isn't working
Three golden rules of ethical research
Do no harm, informed consent, confidentiality
What do values express?
General goals and broad guidelines
What do norms do?
Organize and regulate our behavior
Characteristics of norms
Unwritten, instrumental, explicit, change, conditional, flexible
Norms that members of a society consider very important because they maintain moral and ethical behavior
Formal rules about behavior that are defined by a political authority that has the power to punish violators
Rewards for good or appropriate behavior and/or penalties for bad or inappropriate behavior
Positive sanctions
Praise,hugs, smiles, new toys
Negative sanctions
Frowning, scolding, spanking, withdrawing love
Cultural universals
Customs and practices that are common to all societies
Ideal culture
The beliefs, values, and norms that people in a society say they hold or follow
Real culture
The actual everyday behavior of people in a society
The belief that one's culture and way of life are superior to those of other groups
Cultural relativism
The belief that no culture is better than another and that a culture should be judged by its own standards
A group of people whose distinctive ways of thinking, feelings, and acting differ somewhat from those of the large society
A group of people who deliberately oppose and consciously reject some of the basic beliefs, values, and norms of the dominant culture
Multiculturalism (cultural pluralism)
The coexistence of several cultures in the same geographic area, without one culture dominating another
Culture shock
A sense of confusion, uncertainty, disorientations, or anxiety that accompanies exposure to an unfamiliar way of life or environment
High culture
The cultural expression of a society's elite or highest social classes
Popular culture
The beliefs, practices, activities, and products that are widely shared among a population in everyday life
Mass media
Forms of communicate designed to reach large numbers of people
Cultural imperalism
The cultural values and products of one society influence or dominate those of another
What are the major reasons for cultural change?
Diffusion, invention and innovation, discovery, and external pressures
The process through which components of culture spread from one society to another
The process of creating new things
Turning inventions into mass-market products
Requires exploration and investigation, and results in new products, insights, ideas, or behavior
Serendipity effect
Discovery by chance
Cultural integration
The consistency of various aspects of society that promotes order and stability
Cultural lag
The gap when nonmaterial culture changes more slowly than material culture
Functionalists on culture
- -Focus on society as a system of interrelated parts
- -Emphasize the social bonds that attach people to society
- -All societies have similar strategies for meeting human needs
- -Culture can be dysfunctional
Conflict theory on culture
- -Culture can generate considerable inequality instead of unify society
- -Many cultural values and norms benefit some members of society more than others
Feminist on culture
-Feminist analyses expand our understanding of cultural components that other theoretical perspective ignore or gloss over
Symbolic interactionism on culture
- -Examine culture through micro lenses
- -Most interested in understanding how people create, maintain, and modify culture
- -Explains how culture influences our everyday lives
- -As people construct their perception of reality, they create change, and reinterpret values and norms through interaction with others
- -Micro approaches are useful in understanding what culture means to people and how these meanings differ across societies