Fast Cruise –
240 KIAS/Clean/80%/1°↓
Normal Cruise –
200 KIAS/Clean/54%/0°
Slow Cruise –
150 KIAS/Clean/33%/3.5° ↑
Normal Climb –
180 KIAS/Clean/100%/8° ↑
Terminal Rte Descent –
200 KIAS/Clean/20%/5° ↓
NO Flaps –
120 KIAS/Gear ↓ Flaps ↑/31%/4°↑
TO Flaps –
120 KIAS/Gear↓ Flaps TO/42%/3°↑
LDG Flaps –
120 KIAS/Gear↓ Flaps LDG/52%/1°↑
NOTE - ±__% is acceptable. Only exception is for procedures that mandate a 4-6% power setting to simulate the feather condition
2) Recall requirements when to complete operations checks
a. Every 20 minutes with the initial taking place during initial departure climb
3) Identify characteristics for assuming control of the aircraft
- a. 3 way change of control
- b. ICS failure – stick shake, hands up, stick shake
4) Identify yawing tendencies of the aircraft during the takeoff phase
a. Sharply left due to torque effects of the propeller
5) Recall procedures for an aircraft takeoff
- a. Approach hold short line (approx. 200 ft prior) and switch to tower.
- b. Call tower for takeoff clearance. Instructions such as “Lineup and wait” or “Hold short” must be read back. Once cleared, line up in takeoff position
- c. Clear final and taxi to position. Note winds (R to L, L to R)
- d. Align centerline and Stop. Lineup checklist
- e. Torque 30% and check engine instruments. “Instruments checked”.
- f. Reference Point. Elevator neutral. Ailerons for crosswinds. No crosswinds – use slight right aileron for torque.
- g. PCL Max, Right rudder.
- h. “60 KIAS, XXX%”
- i. “85 Rotate” (add half gust factor)
- j. “Two positive rates, Gear”
- k. “Airspeed above 110 KIAS, Flaps”
- l. “Gear up, Flaps up, at ___ knots”
- m. Climb out 180 KIAS, Nose 8°↑ IAW course rules or SOP
6) Calculate rotate speed based on winds given
a. Add ½ gust factor
7) Identify corrections methods for straight and level flight
- a. Off airspeed/On Altitude – Adjust Power, adjust attitude, Retrim
- b. Off airspeed/off Altitude – Reset level flight attitude, correct by trading the excess altitude or airspeed for the other. Retrim
- c. On airspeed/Off Altitude – Reduce power slightly. Allow Nose to lower slightly to descend to desired altitude. Reset normal power and retrim
8) Recall the four basic transitions used to initiate and/or level off from a climb or descent
- a. Cruise to Climb
- b. Climb to Cruise
- c. Cruise to Descent
- d. Descent to Cruise
9) Identify generalities associated with basic transitions
- a. Use P.A.T.
- b. Trim according to Accel, Decel, Power +, Power –
- c. Climbs and Descents >1000 ft, use integrated outside scan and TCAS to clear traffic. S turns for descent to clear below.
- d. Climbs and Descents – Airspeed is nose attitude crosscheck
- e. Leveling off – Altimeter and VSI is nose attitude crosscheck
- f. Heading indicator is crosscheck for wings level (constant heading)
10) Recall procedures for basic transitions
- a. Cruise to Climb
- i. Power – Max
- ii. Attitude – 12-15° ↑
- iii. Trim
- iv. As airspeed decreases to 180, lower nose to 8°↑
- v. Retrim
- b. Climb to Cruise
- i. 200 feet prior to level off altitude, begin lowering nose to level flight attitude
- ii. Trim for acceleration (Left/Down)
- iii. 5 kts prior to cruise airspeed:
- 1. Power – reduce to normal cruise 54% (fast cruise – 80%)
- 2. Attitude – set level flight picture
- 3. Trim – Left/Up
- c. Cruise to Descent
- i. Power – reduce to 20%
- ii. Attitude – 5°↓
- iii. Trim for power reduction (Left/Up)
- iv. Retrim
- d. Descent to Cruise
- i. Passing 100 ft prior
- 1. Power – advance to normal cruise 54% (fast cruise 80%)
- 2. Attitude – level flight picture
- 3. Trim for power addition (Right/Down). Retrim
11) Recall description and generalities related constant angle of bank turns
- a. Turn the aircraft using a constant angle of bank to an assigned heading while maintaining altitude and airspeed.
- b. Clear area before turn.
- c. Rapid consistent scan required
- d. Continue to clear area, check attitude with horizon, crosscheck PFD for nose attitude with altimeter and VSI, and AOB on attitude indicator.
- e. Correct as necessary
- f. Roll out using 1/3 rule
12) Recall procedures for the Turn Pattern (TP)
- a. Straight and level, normal or slow cruise
- b. Clear area, turn 90° using 30° AOB, then reverse 90°
- c. Clear area, Reverse turn and heading 180° using 45° AOB and adjusting power/altitude to maintain airspeed/altitude, Reverse.
- d. Clear area, Reverse turn and heading 360° using 60° AOB. Power/attitude to maintain airspeed/altitude.
- e. Slight forward stick to prevent ballooning on rollout, reverse and repeat.
- f. Rollout on original heading. Reset power to normal cruise setting, attitude, and retrim for straight and level
13) Identify generalities related to the Level Speed Change (LSC)
- a. Commenced with any heading
- b. Sequence is Norma cruise (200) to downwind (120) to landing flap approach configuration (110) to normal cruise (200).
- c. Good outside visual scan is a must.
- d. Attitudes and control pressures will change with each transition.
- e. Various AOB during downwind and landing approach to simulate pattern. Additional power will be required to maintain airspeed, attitude to maintain altitude.
14) Identify procedures used during a level speed change (LSC)
- a. Normal Cruise – 200 KIAS/Clean/54%/0°
- b. Power to Idle. Trim Deceleration (Right/Up).
- c. “Airspeed below 150, Gear”
- d. As airspeed approaches 120, adjust power to 31% (Downwind NO Flaps – 120 KIAS/Gear ↓ Flaps ↑/31%/4°↑)
- e. Stabilize and Trim
- f. Lower LDG Flaps. As airspeed approaches 110 KIAS, advance power to 50% and stabilize in LDG Flaps – 120 KIAS/Gear↓ Flaps LDG/52%/1°↑. Trim
- g. Before landing checklist
- h. Power MAX. “Gear up, Flaps up, ___ kts” before 150
- i. Accelerate to Normal cruise. 54% as airspeed nears 200.
- j. Retrim
15) Identify generalities related to stalls
- a. Vision useful by noting attitude and instruments
- b. Hearing can help sense change of tone due to stall
- c. Kinesthesia can sense change in direction or speed of motion. Probably the best and most important to trained and experience pilot
16) Identify characteristics of the THREE C’s accomplished before performing stall maneuvers
- a. Configuration
- b. Checklist (Pre-stalling, spinning, and aerobatic checklist)
- c. Clear area (visual, TCAS, clearing turns)
17) Recognize generalities related to energy management
- a. Manipulated by power, drag, and G-loading
- b. Plan maneuvers in order to minimize requirement for deliberate energy changes
- c. Use inherent energy gain/loss of individual maneuvers
- d. Trade Altitude and Airspeed – 1000 ft for 50 kts
- e. Optimum energy level – 180 – 200 kts altitude midway between upper and lower limits
- f. Lowing energy – low power, increased drag, G-loading. Constant airspeed descent to desired altitude
- g. Gaining – low AOA (avoid near 0 G) and high power. Best method is to climb at 140 to 160 with MAX power.
- h. Energy Planning – constant awareness of total energy aides in maneuver selection for minimum delay.
18) Recall procedures for slow flight (SCATSAFE) maneuver
- a. CONFIGURATOIN: Safe altitude (complete above 6,000 AGL), 150 kts, Gear Down
- b. CHECKLIST: Before landing checklist and Pre-stalling, spinning, Aerobatic Checklist
- d. Lower LDG Flas. Reduce to 80 KIAS (15 units AOA) 45%
19) Identify aircraft flight characteristics demonstrated during the slow flight (SCATSAFE) maneuver
- a. Straight and level
- b. Coordinated Exercise – left and right turns, 15-20° AOB
- c. Adverse Yaw – 20° AOB right turn w/o rudder, then with rudder
- d. Torque and Turns – Power to MAX, release controls to see pitch up, yaw and roll left.
- e. Steep Turns – Bank toward 60° while adding power and back pressure. AOA ↑, stall
- f. Abrupt Control Movement – Abrupt back pressure to 20°↑ to simulate snatching controls during flare, progressing to stall. Release to recove
- g. Flap Retraction – from straight and level slow flight, raise flaps from LDG to UP to lose lift and develop sink rate. Increase pitch to maintain altitude. Airspeed increases due to reduced drag, but then AOA increases and stall occurs. Recover with LDG flaps.
- h. Effectiveness of controls. Move ailerons with small rapid movements and notice little effect.
20) Identify generalities associated with power-on stalls
- Proper recognition and recovery with minimum loss of altitude
- Pitch and bank angle held constant until control effectiveness is lost indicated by uncommanded nose drop or unplanned rolling motion
- Relax, max, level, ball
- Completed when aircraft has established a positive rate of climb.
- Entry of 150 KIAS results in about 1500-2000 feet altitude gain
21) Recall proper procedures for a power-on stall maneuver
- a. CONFIGURATION: Clean. Complete above 6,000 AGL
- b. CHECKLIST: Pre-stalling, Spinning, aerobatic checks
- c. CLEAR AREA: Visual, TCAS, clear turns
- d. Straight Ahead
- i. PCL 30-60%
- ii. Nose 15-40°↑
- iii. Maintain altitude with back pressure. Keep wings level with rudder/aileron.
- iv. Initiate recovery when control effectiveness is lost (uncommanded nose drop/rolling motion)
- v. Recover – RELAX, MAX, LEVEL, BALL
- vi. RELAX – back stick pressure
- vii. MAX - PCL
- viii. LEVEL - Wings
- ix. BALL – center with rudder
- x. Use max AOA (14-17.9) to minimize loss.
- xi. Avoid secondary stall by not applying too much back stick pressure before recovery.
- xii. Maneuver complete when wings level, positive rate of climb
- e. Turn stall: same as straight ahead with a 20-30° AOB. Recover same as straight ahead
22) Identify procedures for the power-off stall (ELP Stall)
- a. CONFIGURATION: Clean, slow cruise (150) or IP discretion. Complete above 6000 AGL
- b. CHECKLIST: Pre-stalling, Spinning, Aerobatic checks
- c. CLEAR AREA: Visual, TCAS, clear turns
- d. Wings level, reduce power to 4-6% (sim feather).
- e. Decelerate to Best glide if below 150, Zoom/Glide if Above 150.
- f. Horizon bisect windscreen.
- g. Crosscheck VSI for 1350-1500
- h. Retrim and stabilize
- i. Simulate High key and lower gear
- j. Retrim 120 KIAS and turn 15-20° AOB to Low key
- k. Before landing checklist
- l. Raise nose 5-10° and allow airspeed to decay until first indication of stall
- m. Maintain turn or profile ground track and recover by lowering pitch attitude. Put Prop arc on horizon (8°↓) until 120 regained. Altitude loss approx. 800.
23) Identify procedures for landing pattern (Approach Turn) stall maneuver
- a. CONFIGURATION: Appropriate Downwind (12 KIAS, Gear Down, Flap setting and appropriate ___%, __°)
- b. CHECKLIST: Pre-stalling, Spins, Aerobatics checks
- c. CLEAR: Visual, TCAS, Clear turns
- d. Simulate transition near abeam position (120/115/110 and 14%/15%/18%)
- e. Trimmed in descending 30°AOB to simulate turn to final
- f. Raise nose to 5-10°↑
- g. Power – IDLE
- h. Aileron – adjust to maintain 20-45 AOB
- i. Increase backstick pressure to hold pitch attitude
- j. Recover at first indication of stall
24) Recall the description of a SLIP
a. An out of balance flight condition used to increase the sink rate and lose excess altitude while maintaining a constant airspeed and a specific track over the ground.
25) Recall correct procedures used to conduct a SLIP
- a. Can be flown at any altitude and airspeed
- b. Deomonstrated at 125 KIAS, clean or 120 KIAS with gear/flaps down as required
- c. Lower one wing and apply opposite rudder
- d. Select reference point and adjust rudder/AOB to maintain ground track
- e. In a turn, lower inboard wing while increasing top rudder
- f. Airspeed - adjust nose attitude to maintain 125 KIAS.
- g. VMI - Note increase rate of descent
- h. To recover, smoothly roll wings level while reducing rudder.
26) Identify the two primary factors that must be present for a spin
27) Identify the progression phases of a spin
- a. Post-stall Gyrations
- b. Incipient Spin
- c. Steady State Spin
28) Identify characteristics of the progression phases of a spin
- a. Post-stall Gyrations
- i. Uncommanded (rapid) motion about any axis
- ii. Controls no longer effective or acting normal
- iii. Stalled or near stall AOA
- iv. Transient or erratic airspeed
- v. Random turn needle deflection
- vi. Recover with Recover from unusual attitude
- b. Incipient Spin
- i. Oscillatory spin-like motion
- ii. Fully deflected turn needle
- iii. Stalled AOA
- iv. Airspeed accelerating or decelerating toward steady state value
- v. Last approximately 2 turns
- vi. Nose pitch 60°↓
- vii. Nose pitch oscillatory
- viii. Recover with Recover from unusual attitude
- c. Steady State Spin
- i. After approx. 3 turns
- ii. Spin rate stabilize: 2-3 seconds per turn
- iii. Altitude loss 400-500 feet per turn
- iv. AOA 18+
- v. Airspeed stable 120-135 KIAS
- vi. Turn needle fully deflected in direction of spin
- vii. Spins to left: may notice differences in pitch attitude and magnitude of pitch, roll, yaw oscillations.
- viii. Spins either direction may exhibit roll and yaw oscillations after 3 turns with neutral aileron
- ix. Recover using NATOPS erect spin recover procedures
29) Identify procedures for an intention spin entry
- a. CONFIGURATION: Slow cruise (150 KIAS/Clean/33%/3.5° ↑). Entered below 22,000 MSL and recovered by 10,000 MSL
- c. CLEAR: Visual, TCAS, clearing tunrs
- d. Rollout of clearing turn
- e. Power IDLE
- f. Wings level, raise nose 30°↑
- i. When gear horn sounds, SNA shall acknowledge and IP silence
- g. At stick shakers, lead stall with slight amount of rudder in direction of spin. (same direction of last clearing turn)
- h. When stalled, apply fully rudder and full back stick. Do not use aileron
- i. Call out – Altitude, AOA, Airspeed, Turn needle deflection/direction
30) Identify spin recovery procedures
- a. Incipient
- i. Inadvertent departure from controlled flight
- 1. PCL -IDLE
- 2. Controls – Neutral
- 3. Altitude – Check
- 4. Recover from unusual Attitude
- b. Steady State
- i. At spin entry, verify sufficient altitude for recovery, stalled AOA, airspeed 120-135 stabilized, turn needle deflection of spin
- ii. Full rudder opposite direction of rotation
- iii. Smooth forward stick to a position forward of neutral
- v. Hold controls in position until rotation stops
- vi. Neutral controls
- vii. Level wings
- viii. Smooth Pullout
- ix. Check and report oil pressure (min 90 psi)
- x. Add power as required
31) Identify basic rules for handling an aircraft emergency
- a. Maintain Aircraft control
- b. Analyze the situation and take proper action
- c. Land as soon as conditions permit
- .
- 32) Identify generalities related to the Emergency Landing Pattern (ELP)
- a. ELPs only flown to suitable landing areas (hard surface) of sufficient length.
- b. Landing on unprepared only if ejection is not possible
- c. Do not descend below 2000 AGL unless on profile for a suitable landing area
- d. Distraction may cause substantial deviation from standard pattern and preclude safe landing
- e. 2 types – Forced landing (no engine) & PEL (engine).
- f. Forced Landing – correct for low energy by delaying configuration
- g. PEL – correct for low energy with power
33) Recall the glide performance characteristics with regard to ELP’s.
- a. Best glide (clean) – 125 KIAS for 1350-1500 sink rate. 2 NM per 1000 ft
- b. Best glide (gear down, flaps and brake retracted) – 105 KIAS, 1500fpm, 1.6 per 1000
- c. In actual PEL situation, if VSI is greater than 1500, increase power. Shut off engine if 1500 cannot be achieved
- d. DME or FMS to confirm glide ratio. Consider winds and turns
- e. Travels approximately .1-.2 NM for every 10 kts excess above 125 in level deceleration before slowing to 125
- f. 10 kts of excess can be traded for approx. 100 feet altitude.
34) Identify the altitude and airspeed exchanges with regard to glide performance
- a. Travels approximately .1-.2 NM for every 10 kts excess above 125 in level deceleration before slowing to 125
- b. 10 kts of excess can be traded for approx. 100 feet altitude.
35) Be able to utilize the DME method for distance calculations
a. ½ DME + Key + Field Elevation
36) Be able to utilize the altitude method for distance calculations
- a. AGL – Key
- b. Identify fields withing glide distance to high or low key
- c. Determine most suitable field
37) Identify the various methods of dissipating energy to arrive at high key on altitude and airspeed
- a. 360° turns
- b. Bow ties
- c. Slips
- d. S-turns
38) Recall 360° energy management method used to dissipate excess energy
- a. Accomplished very near or directly over intended landing destination
- b. 125 KIAS, IDLE
- i. 30° AOB – 3000 – 3500
- c. 125 – 4-6% or prop feathered
- i. 30° - 2000
- ii. 45° - 1500
- iii. 60° - 1000
39) Recall Emergency Landin Pattern (ELP) checkpoints
- a. High Key – 2500 to 3000 – 120 KIAS – Clean – 1/3 of RWY ¼ WTD
- b. Low Key – 1500 – 120 KIAS – GR ↓ FL TO – RWY HDG 2/3 WTD
- c. Base Key – 600 to 800 – 120 dec 110 – GR ↓ FL LDG – Middle of low & RWY
- d. Final – Desc to land – 110 KIAS – GR ↓ FL LDG – RWY Centerline
- 40) Identify characteristics related to the Emergency Landin Pattern (ELP) profile
- a. High Key – 2500 to 3000 – 120 KIAS – Clean – 1/3 of RWY ¼ WTD
- b. Low Key – 1500 – 120 KIAS – GR ↓ FL TO – RWY HDG 2/3 WTD
- c. Base Key – 600 to 800 – 120 dec 110 – GR ↓ FL LDG – Middle of low & RWY
- d. Final – Desc to land – 110 KIAS – GR ↓ FL LDG – RWY Centerline
41) Recall the description of a Precautionary Emergency Landing (PEL)
a. Use the PEL procedure to ensure that a safe landing at a paved field can be made if indications of an impending engine failure should occur.
42) Recall the memory aid used for the Precautionary Emergency Landing (PEL) checklist
- a. Turn
- b. Climb
- c. Clean
- d. Check
- e. Boost Pump – as required
- f. Ignition switch – as required
- g. Plan – to intercept ELP
- h. Determine duty runway before intercepting ELP
- i. Deliver (simulated) emergency voice report
- j. Reduce power to 4-6% once DEGA is reached
43) Identify FTI procedures utilized for a Precautionary Emergency Landing (PEL)
- a. Turn to nearest suitable field
- b. Climb at 125 KIAS
- c. Clean aircraft
- d. Check engine instruments
- e. Boost Pump – as required
- f. Ignition switch – as required
- g. Plan – to intercept ELP
- h. Determine duty runway before intercepting ELP
- i. Deliver (simulated) emergency voice report
- j. Reduce power to 4-6% once DEGA is reached
- k. Lower gear no later than high key
- l. Before Landing checklist and retrim for 120
- m. At High key, turn toward low key. Make appropriate radio call
- n. Approaching low key, vary AOB to arrive 2/3 WTD abeam intended point of landing
- o. At low key, set Flaps TO. NO SOONER THAN LOW KEY
- p. Turn to base and vary AOB to arrive 600-800 AGL
- q. Check and report “Gear down, Flaps TO (or LDG), speed brake retracted, before landing checklist complete”
- r. Decelerate to 110 after rollout on FINAL.
44) Identify common errors associated with the FTI Precautionary Emergency Landing (PEL) procedures
- a. Delaying turn to nearest suitable field
- b. Excessive climb. Delayed arrival at high key, increased risk of engine failure before PEL.
- c. Poor power control. Failure to set and maintain 4-6% once on profile
- d. Poor airspeed control due to improper trim
- e. Improper positon at high key
- f. Incorrect AOB to arrive at low key with correct spacing
- g. Delaying configuration instead of correcting with power
- h. Failure to compare actual and desired position and energy
- i. Failure to anticipate and correct for wind
- j. Failure to refer to Pocket checklist with time permitting
- k. Failure to reduce power to idle during landing phase
45) Recall FTI Precautionary Emergency Landing (PEL) procedures from the pattern
- a. Initiated at or above 400 AGL by instructor
- b. Turn to nearest suitable field
- c. Climb at 125 KIAS
- d. Clean aircraft
- e. Check engine instruments
- f. Boost Pump – as required
- g. Ignition switch – as required
- h. Plan – to intercept ELP
- i. Determine duty runway before intercepting ELP
- j. Deliver (simulated) emergency voice report
- k. Reduce power to 4-6% once DEGA is reached
- l. Lower gear
- m. Before landing checklist and trim for 120
- n. Low key – Gear ↓, appropriate flaps, 600-800 AGL, 2/3 WTD
- o. Make appropriate radio call at low key
- p. Complete maneuver
- 46) Identify the descriptions of engine failure during flight (power loss)
- a. A complete engine failure or insufficient power available to execute a PEL may occur at any airspeed, altitude or configuration. Fly (glide) to intercept the ELP profile while simultaneously executing the appropriate procedures. Identify nearest suitable field and intercept ELP. Below 2000 AGL, make timely decision to continue or eject
47) Recall Zoom/Glide methods when conducting engine failure during flight (power loss)
- a. Above 150 KIAS, zoom to capture 125 KIAS with 2 G, 20° nose up zoom.
- b. Below 150 KIAS, slow to 125 as required
- c. At high altitudes, decelerate to 125 descent attitude to trade ecess airspeed for glide distance.
- d. Clean aircraft ASAP
- e. Trim
- f. Verbalize engine indications and instructor will give simulated indications and EICAS message. Flame out engine will rotate elow 8% N1 and indicate 0%. Oil may display up to 4 psi
48) Recall FTI procedures for an engine failure during flight (power loss)
- a. Zoom/glide 125 knots minimum
- b. PCL – Off
- c. Intercept ELP
- d. Airstart – attempt if warranted
- e. If conditions do not warrant airstart
- f. Firewall shutoff handle – pull
- g. Execute forced landing or eject
49) Identify common errors associated with FTI engine failure during flight (power loss) procedures
- a. Not getting aircraft trimmed at 125 KIAS
- b. Failure to compare actual and desired position and energy
- c. Improper position at high key
- d. Improper AOB to arrive at correct low key spacing
- e. Premature configuration
- f. Not trimming throughout ELP
- g. Failure to anticipate or correct for winds
50) Identify emergency voice reports
- a. Identification
- b. Situation
- c. Position
- d. Intent
- e. In non radar environments, use “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY”
- f. In radar environment, declare emergency
- g. Time permitting, expect to inform ATC of fuel remaining in hours and minutes and number of people on board after delivery of ISPI