Social Psychology

  1. cognitive dissonance
    when we act against our beliefs and values
  2. Conformity
    tendency for people to bring their behavior in line with group norms
  3. compliance
    a person's modification of behavior
  4. attribution
    how we determine the causes behind other's behaviors
  5. consensus
    • what are other people doing?
    • low, one person engages, internal
    • high, lots of people engage, external
  6. distinction
    • low, behavior in a lot of situations, internal
    • high, behavior in one situation, external
  7. consistency
    • do we see the behavior every time we see this person
    • low-external 
    • High- external or internal
  8. self-serving bias
    • success- internal attribute
    • failures- external attribute
  9. Fundamental attribution error
    tendency to attribute  a person's behavior to internal causes, as opposed to external causes
  10. Solomon Asch
    • conformity- line comparison test
    • primacy effect-nice words are presented first, they are considered more nice
  11. obedience
    modification of behavior in response to a request by another person
  12. Milgram
    obedience shock study
  13. info from shock study
    • people obeyed more if 
    • -study in prestigious place
    • -pressure to be consistent
    • -learner in different room
    • -subject had an authoritarian personality
  14. Compliance tactics based on commitment or consistency
    • foot-in-the door- make a small request, then a bigger one
    • low ball-technique- you agree to a price, but then there are tempting additional cost
  15. compliance tactics based on reciprocity
    • door-in-the-face: person ask for large request, then a small one to seem compromising
    • reciprocity: someone does something for you, you feel that you should give back
    • that's-not-all: like infomercial
  16. compliance tactics based on scarcity
  17. Compliance tactics
    • commitment or consistency
    • reciprocity
    • scarcity
    • justification
  18. Pro-social behavior
    • altruism-do something for someone w/o expecting something in return
    • empathy-altruism- we can identify with the situation someone is going through
    • Reciprocal altruism- "they would do the same for me"
  19. factors involved with love and attraction
    • arousal
    • proximity
    • reciprocal liking
    • attractiveness
    • similarity
    • romantic and affectionate love
  20. social facilitation
    people work harder w/ other people
  21. social inhibition
    people do worse when other people are around
  22. social loafing
    putting less effort when working in a group then by oneself
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Social Psychology