1. psycopath
    a term used to describe a person who demonstrates a discernible cluster of psychological, interpersonal, and neurophysiological features that distinguish hi or her form the general population
  2. primary psychopaths
    • "true" psychopath
    • has certain identifiable psychological, emotional, cognitive, and biological differences that distinguish him or her from the general and criminal populations
  3. secondary psychopath
    commit antisocial or violent acts because of severe emotional problems or inner conflicts
  4. dyssocial psychopath
    display aggressive, antisocial behavior they have learned from their subculture, like their gangs, terrorist groups, or families
  5. antisocial personality disorder (APD)
    a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others, occurring since age 15...
  6. criminal psychopath
    those primary psychopaths who do engage in repetitive antisocial or criminal behaviour
  7. semantic aphasia
    a characteristic that psychopaths articulate their regrets for having done something, but the words are devoid of emotional meaning
  8. recidivism
    refers to the tendency to return to offending
  9. Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R)
    • 20-item
    • a dominant psychological instrument for measuring criminal psychopathy
    • designed to identify psychopaths in male prisons,forensic, or psychiatric populations
  10. Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL:SV)
    12-item short-form version
  11. factor analysis
    one statistical procedure designed to find different dimensions or factors in test data
  12. factor 1
    • reflects the interpersonal and emotional component of psychopathy and consists of items measuring:
    • remorselessness
    • callousness
    • selfish use
    • manipulation of others
  13. factor 2
    • associated with a socially deviant or antisocial lifestyle, as characterized by:
    • poor planning
    • impulsiveness
    • an excessive need for stimulation
    • proneness to boredom
    • lack of realistic goals
  14. factor 3
    refers to the emotional shallowness, callousness, and lack of empathy
  15. four-factor model
    • 1. interpersonal
    • 2. lifestyle 
    • 3. affective 
    • 4. antisocial tendencies
  16. boldness factor (fearless dominance)
    interpersonal style that is characterized by fearlessness, being relatively immune to stress or anxiety, and being successful at negotiating social interactions to achieve desired goals
  17. meanness
    deficient empathy, disdain for and lack of close attachments with others, rebelliousness, excitement seeking, exploitativeness, and empowerment through cruelty
  18. markers
    neuropsychological indicators
  19. hemisphere asymmetry
    criminal psychopaths manifest an abnormal or unusual balance between the two hemispheres, both in language processing and in emotional or arousal states
  20. emotional paradox
    psychopaths demonstrate normal appraisal of emotional cues and situations in the abstract, but they are deficient in using emotional cues to guide their judgments and behaviour in the process of living
  21. executive functions
    • refers to higher-order mental abilities involved in goal-directed behaviour
    • includes organizing behaviour, memory, inhibition processes, and planning strategies
  22. dual-process model
    hypothesizes that the two temperament processes involved in the emergence of psychopathy are low-fear temperament and impaired cognitive-executive functioning
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