Bluegreen Card

  1. Creation
    Genesis 1,2
  2. Noah and the Flood
    Genesis 6,7
  3. Sodom and Gomorrah
    Genesis 19
  4. Abraham's Promise
    Genesis 12
  5. Ten Commandments
    Exodus 20
  6. King Saul
    I Samuel 10
  7. King David
    2 Samuel 5
  8. King Solomon
    1 Kings 2
  9. Kings Rehoboam and Jeroboam
    1 Kings 12
  10. Temptation of Jesus
    Matthew 4
  11. Sermon on the Mount
    Matthew 5,6,7
  12. Marraige and Divorce
    Matthew 19
  13. Judgment Day
    Matthew 25
  14. Death of Jesus
    Matthew 27
  15. Prodigal Son
    Luke 15
  16. The Rich Man and Lazarus
    Luke 16
  17. Ananias and Sapphira
    Acts 5
  18. Stoning of Stephen
    Acts 7
  19. Conversion of Ethiopian Eunuch
    Acts 8
  20. Conversion of Saul
    Acts 9
  21. Conversion of Cornelius
    Acts 10,11
  22. Conversion of Lydia and the Jailor
    Acts 16
  23. Baptized into Christ
    Romans 6
  24. Everyday Christian Living
    Romans 12
  25. Withdrawal of Fellowship
    1 Corinthians 5
  26. Lord's Supper
    1 Corinthians 11
  27. Love
    1 Corinthians 13
  28. Resurrection
    1 Corinthians 15
  29. Husbands and Wives
    Ephesians 5
  30. Women in Worship
    1 Timothy 2
  31. Qualifications of Elders and Deacons
    1 Timothy 3
  32. Faith
    Hebrews 11
  33. Heaven
    Revelation 21
  34. Quote Passage for Baptism
    Acts 22:16 - And now why tarriest thou? Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord.
Card Set
Bluegreen Card
Bluegreen Study Card